• Embarkation available for first time in Greece• New 7-night East Mediterranean itinerary to Turkey, Israel, Cyprus and Greek Islands• MSC Cruises celebrates first sailing with onboard event for nearly…
Greek Islands
Theodore Kontes on the Cruise Industry We asked Theodore Kontes – – one of the leading experts in the field of Maritime Tourism — for his views on the state of…
Norwegian Cruise Line to relaunch Norwegian Epic and Norwegian Getaway Norwegian Cruise Line to Relaunch Norwegian Epic and Norwegian Getaway with Itineraries to the Mediterranean and Greek Isles beginning September…
Island-hopping in Greece is best enjoyed in the quintessentially local way: yachting. Recreational sailing is possible year-round, weather permitting, from as early as April to as late as November. There…
Summer with “Anaskela” by Lili Piraki Packing for summer holidays, whether the beach, the pool, the boat… every one of these occasions will include taking some essentials. Sunglasses, hat, sun cream and…
Anne Wright’s paintings of Calabria, plus works by Liza Brett, Tanya Brett and Henry Brett
Anne Wright’s paintings of Calabria, plus works by Liza Brett, Tanya Brett and Henry Brett By James Brewer London artist Anne Wright, who has captivated her followers by painting evocative…
2016 will mark another year of growth for Greece’s tourism industry, Alternate Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura said last week during a press conference (5/7) in Athens, where tourism officials…
Kallichoron Art Boutique Hotel supports Epinisia Eos project by Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Kallichoron Art Boutique Hotel is a proud supporter and sponsor of “Epinisia Eos” project, organized by Aelia and supported by Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Through this project, distinguished businessmen have mentoring sessions with…
Without prejudice Anathema and Migrants: Human Aggression at its best! Why all this hypocrisy by all involved and in particular from the so called politically correct EU’s masters of colonialism?…
Greek islands under ‘tremendous strain’ as hundreds of refugees arrive daily – UN
16 June 2015 – More than 55, 000 refugees have arrived in the Greek islands so far this year, with hundreds arriving every day in inflatable dinghies and wooden boats,…