Marine conditions improving11 Oct 2024, BahamasMarine and weather conditions at Port Freeport, Bahamas, are improving after the passage of Hurricane Milton.READ MORE Deployment of artificial reefs west of International Airport11…
IMB (International Maritime Bureau)
IMB mid-year report: Maritime piracy incidents fall but crew safety remains at risk11 Jul 2024ICC’s International Maritime Bureau is calling for sustained vigilance to protect seafarers amid increasing violence despite…
New IMB report reveals concerning rise in maritime piracy incidents in 2023 Released today, the annual Piracy and Armed Robbery Report of the ICC International MaritimeBureau (IMB) raises concern over…
Mandatory mass flow meter bunker measurement11 Oct 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands & Antwerp/Zeebrugge, Belgium From 1 January 2026, the use of a bunker measurement system for bunker vessels in the ports…
IMB calls for regional efforts to safeguard shipping and trade as maritime incidents rise
The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has revealed a rise in reported incidents in the Gulf ofGuinea and concerns for the Singapore Straits in its latest report for the period…
No room for complacency, says IMB, as global piracy incidents hit lowest levels in decades.
The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) is calling for regional and international players tosustain their efforts, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea, as global piracy and armed robbery incidentsreach their…
Piracy has decreased in 2021 but the threat remains According to the annual piracy report published recently by the ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB), piracy and armed robbery at sea…
Gulf of Guinea records highest ever number of crew kidnapped in 2020, according to IMB’s annual piracy report
Gulf of Guinea records highest ever number of crew kidnapped in 2020, according to IMB’sannual piracy report London and Kuala Lumpur – 13 January 2021The International Chamber of Commerce’s International…
The European shipping industry urges the EU to bolster maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea
The European shipping industry urges the EU to bolster maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea The Gulf of Guinea remains a high-risk area for piracy and armed robbery. European…
One coastal tanker hijacked every two weeks in South East Asia London and Kuala Lumpur, 21 April 2015 – A small coastal tanker is hijacked by pirates in South East…