Hot Port News from GAC 03-Jun-2019 MARITIME SAFETY WEEK 2019 United Kingdom PORT PRICING 2019/20 Mackay, Australia UPDATED BERTHING PROTOCOLS Townsville, Australia PORT PREPARATION FOR STRONG WINDS Port Botany, Australia…
05-Dec-2016 REVISED TOWAGE CHARGES FOR 2017 Mackay, Australia AMENDED PORT NAVIGATION DEPTHS Mackay, Australia Revised towage charges for 2017 Monday, December 5, 2016, Mackay, Australia Smit Lamnalco has advised…
14-Dec-2015 NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN CELEBRATION Hong Kong REVISED HARBOUR DEPTHS Mackay, Australia New Year Countdown Celebration Monday, December 14, 2015, Hong Kong The New…
Reclamation at Pasir Panjang Terminal Phase 3 and 4 December 01, 2014, Singapore, Pasir Panjang The work is now being conducted from 01 December 2014 to 30 May 2015. According…
European response to Ebola threat COUNTRY: Worldwide Several European countries have introduced measures in response to the continuing outbreak of Ebola virus in some West African countries and isolated cases…
Port navigation depths in port entrance & berths August 01, 2014, Australia, Mackay The design and actual port navigation depths [at Mackay] below port datum, Lowest Astronomical Tide, are amended…
Your daily news service from ports around the world. In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about: * India, Mumbai – Monsoon season: availability of anchorages * India, Mumbai – Cold…
Your daily news service from ports around the world. In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about: * France, Fos – Terminal berths to close for maintenance * United States, Mississippi…
Your daily news service from ports around the world. In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about: * United Kingdom, all ports – Light dues reduction * India, all ports –…
Your daily news service from ports around the world. In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about: * United Arab Emirates, all ports – Foreign-flagged vessels operating in UAE waters * India,…
Your daily news service from ports around the world. In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about: * Germany, Kiel Canal – Canal status update (6 November 2013) * United States,…