Hempel joins the International Maritime Organization (IMO’s) Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety to work with industry to support shipping’s emissions reduction pathway and to mitigate against the spread of…
Marine biosafety
HullWiper joins Global Industry Alliance for Marine Biosafety as a founding member
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HullWiper joins Global Industry Alliance for Marine Biosafety as a founding member Partnership IMO-led initiative to focus on promoting biofouling control solutions Dubai, 11 June 2020 – HullWiper has become one…
Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety launched GLOFOULING PARTNERSHIPS LAUNCHES GLOBAL INDUSTRY ALLIANCE (GIA) FOR MARINE BIOSAFETY GIA brings together leadership Ocean Companies to reduce invasive species introductions, protect…
A major five-year project to help protect marine biodiversity has been kick-started at a global workshop at IMO Headquarters in London, United Kingdom (18-20 March). The IMO-executed GloFouling Partnerships project…