Listing date: 14/12/2016 Ticker: GENT-ME Gentian is a Norway based, international company working on global solutions that change health care. With in-house production, R&D and marketing, Gentian serves the…
Olso Bors
13/07/2015 – Bank2 lists its first bond issue Nordic ABM today. The bond loan that is admitted to listing today – Bank2 ASA 13/PERP FRN C HYBRID – is an issue of…
15/01/2015 – Oslo Børs has decided to delist the shares of Northland Resources SE. The company has filed for bankruptcy. The bonds issued by Northland Resources SE with ISIN NO0010636137/ticker…
03/11/2014 – October was the busiest month ever recorded for share trading. Big price movements contributed to a new record being set for the total number of transactions in a single…
09/10/2014 – Delisting of Transeuro Energy is given suspensive effect until the company’s appeal is considered by The Stock Exchange Appeals Committee. At its meeting on 9 October 2014, the Board of…