Keir Starmer: Put country first, then reform electoral system By Clive Horwood While Labour basks in the glow of a thumping 170-seat majority, smarter heads in the party – and…
Pension Funds
Asset owners can’t afford to sidestep sustainability By Emma McGarthy The role of asset owners and the allocation of trillions of capital required in the transition are increasingly under scrutiny. Pension…
Global transition finance summit Wednesday 1 November, Conference The Global transition finance summit brings together asset owners, pension funds and sovereign funds with policy-makers, central banks, development banks, fund managers…
The Bank of England has insisted its emergency bond-buying scheme to help pension funds will end on Friday Bonds matter because their impact is magnified in pensions In defined benefit…
Covid requires reset in pension fund assumptions, Federal reserve financial stability report
Covid requires reset in pension fund assumptions, Federal reserve financial stability report Commentary: Financial repression forces review By Colin Robertson in London Covid has led to large government budget deficits and cuts to unsustainably…