It is stipulated that the company prior to the first day of listing must satisfy the listing requirements on Oslo Børs. If the requirements on Oslo Børs are not met, the company will be accepted for listing on Oslo Axess, provided that the listing requirements on Oslo Axess are satisfied.
The Chief Executive Officer of Oslo Børs determines the date of the first day of listing, which is to be no later than 5 November 2018.
About PoLight:
poLight has developed a new autofocus lens which “replicates” the human eye for use in mobile devices and other applications with integrated cameras. poLight’s TLens is ready for introduction in the smartphone camera module market, offering considerable benefits such as extremely fast focus, compact xy-dimension (i.e. small footprint), no electromagnetic interference, low power consumption and constant field of view. For more information, visit www.polight.com.