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Home HRAnniversaries The BDI@1,524 …hooray hooray?

The BDI@1,524 …hooray hooray?

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John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) clinched 21 points earlier on today greatly assisting the mood for the World Maritime Day! Geopolitics in perplexed jeopardy; ultra-caution should be observed. John Faraclas daily briefing:

The Capes’ BCI managed a good 39 points plus and now stands at 1,949 points..

A dozen points for the Panamaxes BPI  now reading 1,689…

Any point is more than welcomed and that happened with the Supras’ BSI  now at 1,195 an the Handies’ BHSI now at 627!

The Wets were both up; the last published BDTI (Dirties) stood at 804 – plus three and BCTI (Cleans) 531 – plus ten made everybody’s day!

The worrying issue being the WTI just surpassing the US$ 72… CAUTION…

The Geopolitics as said at the preamble are more than perplexed and the issues covered in our latest reports remain… We believe is best to recap all later on before midnight or tomorrow closing of the business shipping week…

On another tone and note the World Maritime Day and the 70th Anniversary of the IMO was a super event at the organisation’s HQ on the south bank of Father Thames!

Have a nice evening and continue to be on guard from any eventuality emanating from Pirates, Terrorist and Criminals of any kind whatsoever –  even the from the stormy weather battering the Mediterranean Sea and the Greek Archipelaga, wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

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