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Hot Port News from GAC

by admin

GAClogo_cmykYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* India, Sikka(Jamnagar – Reliance Terminal) – Security level at Reliance
Jamnagar Marine Terminal (RJMT)
* Hong Kong, all ports – Dredging Operations to the South of Tai Mo To
* Singapore, Singapore – Submarine cable repair works off Pulau Busing
* Hong Kong, all ports – Submarine Cable Inspection Works
* Hong Kong, all ports – Seawall Modification Works
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE  13/05/13

DATE: May 13, 2013
PORT: Sikka(Jamnagar – Reliance Terminal)
Security level at Reliance Jamnagar Marine Terminal (RJMT)

In compliance of DG Shipping Circular no 44 –NT regarding ISPS Security
level being maintained at Ports, Security Level for the Reliance Jamnagar
marine Terminal is lowered to Security level One from Security level Two
effective 13 May 2013.

For information about operations in India contact GAC India at

DATE: May 13, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: all ports
Dredging Operations to the South of Tai Mo To

With immediate effect and for a period of approximately 15 months, dredging
operations will be carried out within the area bounded by straight lines
joining the following co-ordinates (WGS84 Datum) from (A) to (I):

(A) 22° 19.134’N / 113° 58.826’E
(B) 22° 18.932’N / 113° 58.826’E
(C) 22° 18.867’N / 113° 58.757’E
(D) 22° 18.828’N / 113° 58.622’E
(E) 22° 18.601’N / 113° 58.374’E
(F) 22° 18.512’N / 113° 58.401’E
(G) 22° 18.298’N / 113° 58.172’E
(H) 22° 18.589’N / 113° 57.684’E
(I) 22° 19.131’N / 113° 58.278’E

The works will be carried out by two grab dredgers. A few hopper barges and
flat top barges, some tugs and guard boats will assist in the works. The
number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to
suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 50 metres around each dredger will be
established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be
laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the dredgers.

The hours of work will be round-the-clock. Vessels engaged in the
operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at
Source: Marine Department, Government of the HKSAR

DATE: May 13, 2013
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Singapore
Submarine cable repair works off Pulau Busing

According to Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore’s Port Marine Notice
No. 62 of 2013, the working areas and working period of submarine cable
repair works off Pulau Busing, Selat Sinki has been revised.

With effect from 13 May 13 to 30 Sep 13, submarine cable repair works will
be carried out off Pulau Busing, with the working areas bounded by the
following coordinates:

Working area “A”:
Point F – 1° 15.077’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point G – 1° 15.340’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point H – 1° 15.452’N / 103° 44.013’E
Point I – 1° 15.002’N / 103° 44.056’E

Working area “B”:
Point E – 1° 14.849’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point F – 1° 15.077’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point I – 1° 15.002’N / 103° 44.056’E
Point J – 1° 14.758’N / 103° 44.079’E

Working area “C”:
Point D – 1° 14.407’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point E – 1° 14.849’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point J – 1° 14.758’N / 103° 44.079’E
Point K – 1° 14.407’N / 103° 44.113’E

Working area “D”:
Point C – 1° 14.200’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point D – 1° 14.407’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point K – 1° 14.407’N / 103° 44.113’E
Point L – 1° 14.200’N / 103° 44.133’E

Working area “E”:
Point A – 1° 13.695’N / 103° 44.503’E
Point B – 1° 13.982’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point C – 1° 14.200’N / 103° 43.856’E
Point L – 1° 14.200’N / 103° 44.133’E
Point N – 1° 13.881’N / 103° 44.503’E

The works will be carried out from 0700 hours to 1900 hours daily including
Sundays and Public Holidays. Work barge “Masakuni” and tugs will be working
in one working area at any one time.

The repair work will entail the cutting, capping and sealing of the damaged
submarine power cable. The work barge “Masakuni”, will have a circular
safety working zone of 60 meters radius centered at the barge. Divers will
be deployed for the recovery of the submarine power cable.
A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn
other craft of the project work.

When in the vicinity of the working areas, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep well clear and not to enter the safety zone of the barge;
(b) maintain a proper look-out;
(c) proceed at a safe speed; (d) maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel
68; and
(e) communicate with West Control on VHF Channel 68 for any assistance, if
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) Port Marine Notice
No. 62 of 2013

DATE: May 13, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: all ports
Submarine Cable Inspection Works

According to Marine Department Notice No. 57 of 2013, marine works
involving submarine cable inspection will be carried out with immediate
effect and for a period of approximately 6 weeks.

The works will be carried out in the following work areas.

(A) 22° 11.328’N / 114° 12.814’E
(B) 22° 11.095’N / 114° 12.835’E
(C) 22° 09.665’N / 114° 20.577’E

The works will be carried out by one special purpose vessel.

The hours of work will be from 0700 to 2300 hours. Vessel engaged in the
works will stay in the work area outside the hours of work.

Vessel engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in
international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution at a slow
speed and keep clear of the vessel.

For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at
Source: Marine Department, Government of the HKSAR

DATE: May 13, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: all ports
Seawall Modification Works

According to Marine Department Notice No. 56 of 2013, marine works
involving seawall modification works will be carried out with immediate
effect and for a period of approximately 1 month in the area bounded by
straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A)
to (D)and the adjacent shoreline:

(A) 22º 17.059’ N 114º 10.470’ E
(B) 22º 17.054’ N 114º 10.493’ E
(C) 22º 17.017’ N 114º 10.483’ E
(D) 22º 17.023’ N 114º 10.462’ E

The works will be carried out by one derrick lighter. One tug and one work
boat will provide assistance. The number of vessels engaged in the works
will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 50 metres around the derrick lighter will
be established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will
be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the derrick

The works will be carried out round the clock.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in
international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at
Source: Marine Department, Government of the HKSAR

DATE: May 13, 2013
Bunker Update:
GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

180 CST   380 CST   MGO  MDO

Aberdeen                                         0         0         892.00   0
Aden                                             745.00    0 1, 110.00  0
Alexandria                                       0         0 1, 180.00  0
Amsterdam                                        611.00    577.00    836.00   0
Antwerp                                          611.00    584.00    844.00  0
Aqaba                                            0         730.00 1, 030.00  0
Bahrain                                          0         0 1, 015.00  0
Bergen                                           680.00    660.00    895.00  0
Busan                                            653.00    632.00    910.00   900.00
Cape Town                                        689.00    0         941.00    0
Colombo                                          685.00    675.00 1, 075.00  0
Dubai                                            630.00    620.00    800.00  0
Durban                                           663.00    0   1, 090.00  0
Falmouth                                         0         605.00    970.00   0
Fujairah                                         680.00    611.00   1, 010.00  0
Gibraltar                                        688.50    658.50    922.50   0
Hong Kong                                        633.00    623.50    923.50   0
Houston                                          675.00    588.00    955.00   0
Istanbul                                         649.50    624.50    942.50   0
Jeddah                                           710.00    685.00  1, 090.00  0
Kaohsiung                                        656.00    642.00   1, 094.50  932.00
Kuwait                                           620.00    611.00  1, 009.00  0
Leith                                            0         0         935.00   0
Lerwick                                          0         0         925.00   0
Malta                                            690.50    675.50    895.50   0
Mumbai                                           640.50    631.50   1, 022.50  0
New York & New Jersey                            626.00    596.00    983.00   0
Panama                                           683.00    611.00    999.00   0
Piraeus                                          692.50    669.50    902.50   0
Port Louis                                       734.00    0   1, 030.00  0
Port Said                                        685.00    705.00   1, 100.00  0
Qatar                                            0         0         910.00    0
Richards Bay                                     675.00    0  1, 100.00  0
Rio de Janeiro                                   643.00    619.00    990.00   0
Rotterdam                                        619.00    585.00    844.00   0
Salalah                                          725.00    670.00  1, 100.00  0
Shanghai                                         674.50    635.50  1, 098.50  0
Sharjah                                          630.00    620.00    800.00   0
Singapore                                        618.00    605.00    860.00    0
St Petersburg                                    596.50    573.50    0    0
Stavanger                                        0         0         891.00   0
Suez                                             680.00    705.00  1, 125.00  0
Walvis Bay                                       727.00    0   1, 040.00  0
West Africa OFFSHORE – FROM ABIDJAN TO LUANDA  0         692.00    1, 000.00   0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The  prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be
approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa:
Europe:                bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Americas: bunker.us@gac.com
Asia Pacific:          bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian  Subcontinent:   bunker.sl@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971  566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or with your bunker enquiry.

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