The President of the Propeller Club Mr. A. Faraklas during his welcome speech
The International Propeller Club of the United States, International Port of Piraeus, organized last Wednesday the 22nd of May 2013 the ‘Environmental, Energy, Efficient Management Operation in Shipping’ seminar at the auditorium of the Yacht Club of Greece at Kastella in Piraues
Mr. Antonios Stamos Faraklas, President of the Propeller Club along with Mr. Theodore Kontes, Secretary General of the Propeller Club welcomed the audience, with sort but to the point speeches
Key speakers of the seminar were the following: on behalf of Lloyd’s Register, Mr. Stamatis Fradelos, Mrs. Maria Kyratsoudi, Mr. Kirikos Faraklas, and Mr. Panayiotis Mitrou, on behalf of Wartsila Greece, Mr. Dionysios Antonopoulos and Mr. Ing. Bert Van Cleemput on behalf of Chevron Marine Lubricants.

The Moderator of the seminar, Secretary General of the Propeller Club Mr. Th. Kontes
The panelists referred to the above mentioned subject with great success and noted updates to current regulations.
Almost 80 participants from the shipping industry were present and actively participated at the discussion after the presentation. This issue will focus high on

Panelists, from left to right, Mr.P. Mitrou, Mr.Kyrikos Faraklas, Mr.S.Fradelos, Mrs. M.Kyratsoudi, Mr.Ing.B.V.Cleemput, Mr.D. Antonopoulos
the shipping agenda for many years to come.