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Home ShipmanagementBunkering HOT PORT NEWS from GAC


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GAC-smallYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* India, Paradip – Draft enhancement for July 2013
* Hong Kong, all ports – Caution urged for towing operations in Typhoon
* Australia, Darwin – Updated port tariffs
* Australia, Adelaide – Port pricing 2013/2014
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 03/06/13

DATE: June 03, 2013
PORT: Paradip
Draft enhancement for July 2013

The draft at the following berths [at Paradip] are hereby temporarily
enhanced as follows for the month of July 2013 considering prevailing
weather and tidal conditions:

From 0000 hrs on 1 July to 2400 hours on 22 July
and from 0000 hrs on 27 July to 2400 hours on 31 July
Permissible draft: 13.00 Mtrs

From 0000 hrs on 1 July to 2400 hours on 22 July and
from 0000 hrs on 27 July to 2400 hours on 31 July
Permissible draft: 11.50 Mtrs

From 0000 hrs on 1 July to 2400 hours on 22 July
and from 0000 hrs on 27 July to 2400 hours on 31 July
Permissible draft: 12.00 Mtrs

From 0000 hrs on 1 July to 2400 hours on 22 July
and from 0000 hrs on 27 July to 2400 hours on 31 July
Permissible draft: 12.50 Mtrs

From 0000 hrs on 1 July to 2400 hours on 22 July
and from 0000 hrs on 27 July to 2400 hours on 31 July
Permissible draft: 13.00 Mtrs

The above notice is purely temporary and can be withdrawn at any time
without prior information due to sudden change in weather condition.

Draft for other days for above berths and draft for other berths shall
remain as per the original notification No.:MD/SHS/TECH-26/2013/771

In addition to the above, vessels with beam size upto 38.00 Mtrs may also
be accepted for berthing at CQ-1, SQ, EQ-1, EQ-2, IOB & CB-1 at permissible
LOA & draft for the berth during favourable weather conditions.

(For information about operations in India contact GAC India at

Source: Paradip Port Trust Marine Department Notice No.

DATE: June 03, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: all ports
Caution urged for towing operations in Typhoon Shelters

A nighttime collision in a typhoon shelter involving a tugboat towing a
dumb steel lighter and a wooden workboat resulted in the sinking of the
workboat and the death of the coxswain on board.

Investigation into the accident revealed the following factors:
– The tugboat did not show tow masthead lights while carrying out towing
operation according to the Rule 24(a) of COLREGS;
– The bright background lighting exhibited by the dumb steel lighter at the
time of accident might have impaired the visibility of navigation lights of
the tug-and-tow;
– The coxswain of the tugboat did not maintain a proper look-out.

To avoid recurrence of similar accidents, the coxswains of tugs are
reminded to observe the following when carrying out towing operation:

– To exhibit lights and shapes strictly according to Rule 24 of the

– To avoid exhibiting other lights that may impair the visibility or
distinctive character of navigation lights, or interfere with a proper
look-out from own vessel or vessels in the vicinity, and take appropriate
and practical measures to clearly indicate the connection between the
towing vessel and the vessel being towed.

– To maintain a vigilant look-out by all available means, in particular,
when carrying out towing operation in congested Typhoon Shelters.

The operators and coxswains of tugboats are also reminded to observe the
“General Guide to Safety During Towing and Lightering Operation” published
on the Website of Marine Department, and follow the recommendation as far
as practicable.
(URL: http://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/pub_services/ocean/pdf/ggs_tlo.pdf )

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.68 of 2013

DATE: June 03, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Darwin
Updated port tariffs

The Darwin Port Corporation has released their updated tariffs for 2013.
Tariff changes will come into affect from 1 July.

Pilotage from Sea to Berth or vice versa:
– Vessels < or = 2500 GRT:  Flat fee of $800 AUD + 10% GST per movement
– Vessels > 2500 up to 4500 GRT:  a flat charge of $1000.00  AUD + 10% per
– Vessels > 4500 GRT:  a flat charge of $800.00 AUD + 10% GST, plus and
addition $0.15 per GRT +  10 %GST per movement

Pilotage within the Harbour (from/to anchorages etc):
– Vessels < or = 2500 GRT:  Flat fee of $600.00 AUD + 10% GST per movement.
– Vessels > 2500 up to 4500 GRT:  Flat fee of $800.00 AUD + 10% GST per
– Vessels > 4500 GRT:  A Flat Fee of $1000.00 AUD + 10$ GST per movement.

Wharfage Rates on Laden Containers:
The wharfage rate on laden containers has been REDUCED by 55%
Updated wharfage rates are indicated below.
– Full 10ft:  $34.56 + 10% GST  (formerly $69.11 + GST)
– Full 20ft: $ 67.49 + 10% GST (formerly $134.97 + GST)
– Full 40ft: $129.30 + 10% GST (formerly $300.69 + GST)

All other port tariffs will increase by 2.5%.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

DATE: June 03, 2013
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Adelaide
Port pricing 2013/2014

Flinders Ports have advised that following tariff increases will come into
effect at the port of Adelaide from 1 July:
– Cargo Service Charge: 2.9%
– Harbour Services Charge: 2.9%
– Navigation Charges: 3.2%
– Pilotage: 3.8%

These increases have been calculated on a weighted combination of both CPI
(Consumer Price Index) and increased labour costs incurred over the past 12

For a full schedule of charges go to

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

DATE: June 03, 2013
Bunker Update:
GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

180 CST   380 CST   MGO     MDO

Aberdeen                                         0         0         892.00   0
Aden                                             745.00    0  1, 110.00  0
Alexandria                                       0         0  1, 080.00  0
Amsterdam                                        590.00    565.00    820.00   0
Antwerp                                          598.00    571.00    834.00    0
Aqaba                                            0         730.00   1, 030.00  0
Bahrain                                          0         0    1, 020.00  0
Bergen                                           691.00    667.00    926.00    0
Busan                                            641.00    610.00    890.00    880.00
Cape Town                                        688.00    0         925.00    0
Colombo                                          670.00    665.00  1, 080.00  0
Dubai                                            660.00    640.00    820.00    0
Durban                                           668.00    0   1, 085.00  0
Falmouth                                         0         605.00    970.00    0
Fujairah                                         680.00    605.00   1, 010.00  0
Gibraltar                                        670.50    636.50    905.50   0
Hong Kong                                        629.00    615.50    886.50   0
Houston                                          664.00    577.00    950.00   0
Istanbul                                         665.50    640.50    950.50    0
Jeddah                                           700.00    680.00  1, 090.00  0
Kaohsiung                                        645.00    625.00    957.00   942.00
Kuwait                                           626.50    608.00   1, 004.00  0
Leith                                            0         0         919.00    0
Lerwick                                          0         0         934.00    0
Malta                                            682.50    657.50    887.50   0
Mumbai                                           646.00    624.50   1, 012.50  0
New York & New Jersey                            627.00    591.00    965.00  0
Panama                                           666.00    601.00  1, 000.00  0
Piraeus                                          680.50    654.50    898.50   0
Port Louis                                       724.00     0  1, 020.00  0
Port Said                                        730.00    680.00  1, 085.00  0
Qatar                                            0         0         915.00   0
Richards Bay                                     685.00     0  1, 095.00  0
Rio de Janeiro                                   642.50    619.00    940.00    0
Rotterdam                                        598.00    573.00    828.00   0
Salalah                                          680.00    639.00  1, 095.00  0
Shanghai                                         644.00    616.50  1, 067.50  0
Sharjah                                          660.00    640.00    820.00   0
Singapore                                        613.00    603.00    870.00   0
St Petersburg                                    593.50    569.50    0    0
Stavanger                                        0         0         923.00    0
Suez                                             680.00    655.00   1, 080.00  0
Walvis Bay                                       660.00    0         950.00    0
West Africa OFFSHORE – FROM ABIDJAN TO LUANDA  0         685.00    950.00   0
Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be
approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com
Europe:                bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Asia Pacific:          bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian Subcontinent:   bunker.sl@gac.com
Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.

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