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Home NewsEvents The Reefer Summer Party

The Reefer Summer Party

by admin

Reefer Sumer Party 2013 012Now then, what a great event at one of the world’s most prominent and historic Maritime venues!  No marquees , no parasols just the historic ship on the dry-dock!

Over fifteen* international companies from all fronts and sectors of the reefer fraternity – those who keep us …cool and happy 365/6 days per annum all over the world with the products and services they deal with and offer, sponsored this unique event on board The Cutty Sark at Greenwich! Who wasn’t there? Met friends and colleagues haven’t seen the since …last century…!

Petre Allan from Star reefers with Annthony Virgiotis from the Southampton University

Peter Allan from Star Reefers with Anthony Virgiotis from the Southampton University

We missed though Roswell’s Michael Karayannis, despite we was listed to attend the event – see you next time round dear Michael and hope al is well! My other friend George Filias of Seatrade Reefer Chartering was there though with Paul Capkanis from Dubai Trading Agency.

Even before 7 o’clock guests and friends where gathering …err queuing to get…downstairs at the base of the drydock where The Cutty Sark rests, and the party was held. Lovely dips, cold and hot, drinks and sweets with exotic taste were served.

Antonis Faraklas of Chartworld Shipping Corporation flanked by NYKCool's Koichi Hamazaki and Ake Jonsson

Antonis Faraklas of Chartworld Shipping Corporation flanked by NYKCool’s Koichi Hamazaki and Ake Jonsson

I guess networking was name of the game and never ever before such a networking…operation took place…Was it the markets blues? Was it the new means of transport? The new kids in the block? Well, I can assure you it was business with pleasure and …before pleasure as usual! Ah and at least ten percent more or less where women traders and specialist in the filed including owners too! And no stillettos; an important detail!

A short but great speech by veteran John Rowland  as well a nice introduction by Richard Bright from  the Reefer Trends Magazine!

Looking towards the fore...

Looking towards the fore…

We all took the tour up and down fore and aft of the Cutty Sark, one of the best maritime museum-ships in the world which, thanks to her benefactors, she was restored again following the devastating fire in 2007 costing about GBP 50 million. It looks that 90 percent of the original vessel intact.

Looking towards the aft...

Looking towards the aft…

On the lower deck of the ….drydock were all begun, and you can see in pictures…

On the weather deck too with a fantastic view on last night’s  Mediterranean evening, the party and networking continued until the early hours of today..! See the pics.

A view of the party at the portside

A view of the party at the portside


*AEL- Africa Express Line, Blue Water Shipping, Maestro, Belgian New Fruit Wharf nv, NYKCool, Hammond – George Hammond PLC, Novo Chartering B.V., Green Reefers, Star Reefers, Kloosterboer, Seatrade, FSC- Frigoship Chartering GmbH, Baltic Shipping, ORSL and VWC.-

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