Esben Poulsson
Singapore Shipping Association Honorary Secretary and International Committee Chairman Esben Poulsson has been elected as a Vice Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).
His election took place at the ICS’s recent Annual General Meeting in Oslo. He joins three other Vice Chairmen for 2013-2015: Mr John C Lyras (Greece), Mrs Karin Orsel (Netherlands) and Mr Gerardo Borromeo (Philippines).
The SSA is an active member of the ICS and Mr Poulsson has, in the past, represented the ICS at a number of industry meetings in Asia. He sees his appointment as an opportunity for the Singapore voice to be heard internationally.
He said: “The SSA is committed to making a meaningful contribution to the working of the ICS and I hope that through my appointment, I can add value to this effort.
“Singapore has become a major international maritime centre and so it is not only important for its voice to be heard internationally but for Singapore to help influence the growth and development of world shipping, ” he added.
Notes to Editors:
· The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) represents more than 450 shipping companies and other businesses allied to the shipping industry. It is a national trade association formed in 1985 to serve and promote the interests of its members which comprise shipowners and operators, shipmanagers, ship agents and other ancillary companies such as shipbrokers, classification societies, marine insurers, bunker suppliers, maritime lawyers, and shipping bankers amongst others.
· SSA works closely with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore to promote Singapore as a leading maritime centre, and also with the Asian Shipowners Forum and other fellow shipping associations in the region with the goal of speaking with a unified Asian voice.