Frances Baskerville
Comité International Radio Maritime (CIRM) is entering a new phase of leadership with Frances Baskerville at the helm. Michael Rambaut, who is due to retire later this year, hands over the title of Secretary-General to Frances with immediate effect.
The London-based Secretariat is the premier International maritime navigation and communication equipment manufacturer’s organization. Operating as an NGO ‘working in Consultative Status to the IMO’, CIRM specializes in helping the IMO, ITU, IEC and other recognized bodies shape regulations and standards. Frequently collaborating with other NGOs such as IALA, IMPA, BIMCO, ICS, IACS etc and IGOs like the IHO, IMSO and the EC, members are experts in their fields and contribute greatly to safety at sea with active participation at these international organizations and forums.
Frances joined CIRM in 2004 bringing a wealth of business experience with her, having had careers in marketing, PR, Architecture, Music and Investment companies worldwide. In 2007 she was appointed Deputy Secretary-General and from this time has worked hard to increase CIRM’s and her own exposure within the maritime industry. Her investment has resulted in many important new relationships and an increased profile during tough economic conditions. “You did a great job, the sunshine came second” wasone of many comments she received about this year’s annual CIRM conference in Cyprus, where a record number of attendees gathered to discuss hot topics and create new business. The CIRM annual gathering is fast becoming known as the place for information and networking opportunities and, having years of experience setting up conferences and industry events, Frances now turns her focus to expanding CIRM’s technical engagement. This will be achieved with the newly formed CIRM Technical Steering Committee, who will consider topics of high strategic importance and disseminate relevant views, actions and outcomes to members.
Frances’s working life has developed through connections, with fate playing its part to finally settle her back into her heritage of the maritime industry, where from 1850 to 1960 her lineage was family ownership of Shorts Shipyard in the north of England. Having established her position in the maritime world, she works hard to promote the benefits of the organization and membership, conveys information, advances member interests and is keen to bring CIRM to the forefront of daily business alongside sister organizations. As Secretary-General, she will utilize the consultative expertise of the fifteen strong Board of Directors and listen closely to the wider CIRM membership, ensuring that the organization represents the global interests of the marine electronics industry. The Secretariat and the upcoming appointment of a new CTO / Deputy Secretary-General will ensure the healthy evolvement of CIRM’s contribution to industry.
Further information from www.cirm.org or please contact the Secretariat +44 (0) 20 7793 2264 / +44 (0) 7920 114076 / fb@cirm.org
CIRM’s Mission Statement: ‘To promote the application of electronic technology to the efficient conduct of shipping and the safety of life at sea’ and ‘To foster relations between all organizations concerned with electronic aids to marine navigation and marine radio communications’.
CIRM’s functional objectives: ‘To represent the interests of industry, and to enable members to participate in the development of international regulations and standards affecting their products and services; provide technical and industrial advice to the international regulatory organizations; provide a specialist information service for members; and provide a private forum for members to exchange information and business opportunity.’
1 comment
My details for the attention of Ms Frances Baskerville
We met on HQS Wellington