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Home ShipmanagementMarine Equipment Products and Services 20 MacGregor cranes ordered for multi-purpose vessels

20 MacGregor cranes ordered for multi-purpose vessels

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MacGregor cranes are designed to provide high levels of cargo handling efficiency

Four new 38, 000 dwt general cargo ships for Nanjing King Ship Management will benefit from the flexible load-handling capabilities of MacGregor cranes; the five cranes on each vessel will have a total lifting capability of 236 tonnes

MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has recently secured an order to supply 20 MacGregor cranes for four new 38, 000 dwt general cargo vessels under construction at Taizhou Kouan Shipbuilding Co Ltd in China for the Chinese shipping company, Nanjing King Ship Management Co Ltd.  The vessels are scheduled for delivery between late 2014 and early 2015. The order was booked in the third quarter 2013 order intake.
“The mix of cranes is designed to provide high levels of cargo handling efficiency, ” says Svante Lundberg, Sales Manager, Cranes. “The nature of a general cargo vessel means that the arrangement of the cranes has to deliver high levels of flexibility for loading and discharging an extremely variable cargo profile; we have worked closely with all parties to develop the best configuration.”
Each MacGregor crane outfit comprises one 36-tonne SWL crane with an outreach of 26m located forward, and two twin-GL cranes each with a 2 x 50-tonne SWL capacity and an outreach of 26m. Delivery of the cranes is planned between 2014 and the beginning of 2015.

MacGregor is the world’s leading brand of engineering solutions and services for handling marine cargoes and offshore loads. MacGregor products serve the maritime transportation, offshore and naval logistics markets, in ports and terminals as well as on board ships. Our cargo flow solutions integrate cargo access, stowage, care and handling functions to suit a particular ship’s cargo profile. This benefits its productivity, environmental impact and profitable service lifetime. www.macgregor-group.com
MacGregor is part of Cargotec. Cargotec’s sales totalled EUR 3.3 billion in 2012 and it employs approximately 10, 000 people. Cargotec’s class B shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki under symbol CGCBV. www.cargotec.com

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