Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Angola, Soyo – New lighthouse established
* India, Pirpau – New draft after dregding
* Hong Kong, Hong Kong – Submarine outfall inspection off River Trade
* Singapore, all ports – Rebate scheme for vessels handling transhipment
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 25/11/2013
DATE: November 25, 2013
PORT: Soyo
New lighthouse established
A new lighthouse has been erected on Ponta de Padrao displaying the
following characteristics:
Charted Position: 06° 04′ 40″S / 012° 19′ 53″E
The tower is painted in red & white horizontal bands.
Light Characteristic: Fl.G.4s15m11M
Light Sequence: Flash 1 second Darkness 3 seconds
(For information about operations in Angola contact GAC Angola at
Source: Soyo Maritime Authority Safety Notice No.24/2013
DATE: November 25, 2013
PORT: Pirpau
New draft after dregding
Following pocket dredging last week, the draft at Old Pirpau’s OPP Berth is
now 6.5 metres.
For information about operations in India contact GAC India at
DATE: November 25, 2013
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: Hong Kong
Submarine outfall inspection off River Trade Terminal
From 26 November 2013 and for approximately one week, submarine outfall
inspection works will be carried out off the River Trade Terminal, Urmston
Road, in the following areas:
This area is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates
(WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D):
(A) 22 deg. 21.308’N / 113 deg. 56.184’E
(B) 22 deg. 21.285’N / 113 deg. 56.237’E
(C) 22 deg. 20.874’N / 113 deg. 56.026’E
(D) 22 deg. 20.897’N / 113 deg. 55.973’E
This area is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates
(WGS 84 Datum) from (E) to (H):
(E) 22 deg. 21.627’N / 113 deg. 56.348’E
(F) 22 deg. 21.603’N / 113 deg. 56.401’E
(G) 22 deg. 21.530’N / 113 deg. 56.363’E
(H) 22 deg. 21.554’N / 113 deg. 56.310’E
One work boat will carry out the works. Two guard boats will provide
A working area of approximately 25 metres around the work boat will be
established. The hours of work will be from 0800 to 1700 hours. The vessels
employed for the works will not stay in the works areas outside the hours
of work.
Diving operations will be carried out from time to time during the hours of
Vessels engaged in the works will display signals as prescribed in
international and local regulations.
Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep
clear at slow speed, bearing in mind there are divers working in the areas.
(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at
Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notices No.141 of
DATE: November 25, 2013
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: all ports
Rebate scheme for vessels handling transhipment vehicles
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore have announced a ports dues
rebate for vessels handling transhipment vehicles, valid for three years
fro 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016.
According to its Marine Circular No.12 of 2013, this follows the review and
reviison of the scheme which aims to encourage the growth in the vehicle
transhipment business in Singapore. The revised scheme will be reviewed
again in
Under the revised scheme, port dues rebate will be granted to vehicle
carrier operators’ vessels handling transshipment vehicles in Singapore
with a port stay of not more than 5 days as follows:
a. Less than 10, 000 transhipped vehicles in Singapore per year: 10% port
dues rebate if a minimum compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
5% over base year (3 year average from 2011 to 2013) is achieved. No rebate
if growth condition is not met.
b. Between 10, 000 and 200, 000 transhipped vehicles in Singapore per year:
20% port dues rebate if a minimum CAGR of 2% over base year (3 year average
from 2011 to 2013) is achieved; otherwise 10% port dues rebate.
c. More than 200, 000 transhipped vehicles in Singapore per year: 20% port
dues rebate if positive CAGR over base year (3 year average from 2011 to
2013) is achieved; otherwise 10% port dues rebate.
The vehicle carrier operator will not be entitled to the rebate during any
year that it does not fulfill the conditions of the scheme. MPA will not
impose penalty charges or clawback of rebate(s) paid in earlier year(s)
where the vehicle carrier operator fulfilled the conditions of the scheme.
Vehicle carrier operators that fulfill the conditions of the scheme for the
year under review should complete and submit the attached application form
to MPA by 30 April of the following year (i.e. the application for year
2014 should be submitted by 30 April 2015 and so on).
For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
DATE: November 25, 2013
Bunker Update:
GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
- Aberdeen 0 0 978.00 0
- Aden 720.00 0 1, 095.00 0
- Alexandria 750.00 0 1, 200.00 0
- Amsterdam 593.00 565.00 866.00 0
- Antwerp 608.00 578.00 910.00 0
- Aqaba 0 727.00 1, 045.00 0
- Bahrain 0 0 1, 070.00 0
- Barrow 0 0 981.00 0
- Bergen 677.00 650.00 965.00 0
- Busan 680.00 660.00 960.00 950.00
- Cape Town 637.00 0 984.00 0
- Colombo 650.00 650.00 1, 020.00 0
- Dubai 645.00 630.00 920.00 0
- Durban 615.00 0 1, 060.00 0
- Falmouth 697.00 645.00 972.00 0
- Fawley 0 0 966.00 0
- Felixstowe 0 0 1, 014.00 0
- Fujairah 627.50 620.50 994.50 0
- Gibraltar 675.50 638.50 965.50 0
- Grangemouth 0 0 999.00 0
- Harwich 0 0 1, 026.00 0
- Hong Kong 620.50 615.50 953.00 0
- Houston 650.00 580.00 960.00 0
- Immingham 0 0 966.00 0
- Invergordon 0 0 983.00 0
- Istanbul 662.50 632.50 995.50 0
- Jeddah 675.00 655.00 1, 060.00 0
- Kaohsiung 651.00 642.00 1, 025.00 1, 010.00
- Kuwait 627.00 620.00 994.00 0
- Leith 0 0 1, 007.00 0
- Lerwick 0 0 979.00 0
- Malta 705.50 675.50 950.50 0
- Mersey 0 0 972.00 0
- Milford Haven 0 0 1, 023.00 0
- Mumbai 633.00 627.50 1, 180.00 0
- New York & New Jersey 625.00 598.00 955.00 0
- Panama 650.00 600.00 1, 015.00 0
- Piraeus 691.50 662.50 955.50 0
- Plymouth 0 0 1, 027.00 0
- Port Louis 723.00 0 1, 165.00 0
- Port Said 750.00 670.00 1, 065.00 0
- Qatar 0 0 960.00 0
- Richards Bay 625.00 0 1, 070.00 0
- Rio de Janeiro 630.00 605.00 1, 020.00 0
- Rotterdam 607.00 575.00 910.50 0
- Salalah 695.00 646.00 1, 115.00 0
- Shanghai 674.50 651.50 1, 100.50 0
- Sharjah 645.00 630.00 920.00 0
- Singapore 612.00 604.00 924.00 0
- St Petersburg 455.50 435.50 0 0
- Stavanger 0 0 972.00 0
- Suez 680.00 655.00 1, 065.00 0
- Walvis Bay 690.00 0 1, 075.00 0
- West Africa OFFSHORE – FROM ABIDJAN TO LUANDA 0 660.00 1, 000.00 0
Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.
The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be
approached directly for firm prices.
Middle East & Africa:
Egypt & Mediterranean:
Asia Pacific:
Indian Subcontinent:
Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.
GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.