Now this book, a recapitulation of the evolution of this fascinating area of law has been my bed fellow since the 5th of November just after the Donald O’ May lecture at the Merchants Taylor’s Hall in the City. It was on the occasion of celebrating the 30 years of the Institute of Maritime Law, University of Southampton one of the best annual events that take place in the city. Just finished my first reading and will continue my reading until all fully digested!
A collective work from current and former institute Members coming together to discuss the evolution of this area of Law in the last 30 years. Their papers, edited by Professor Malcolm Clarke provide a series of thought-provoking essays on the most controversial and topical issues which have occupied maritime law researchers in the last three decades and which will continue to be at the heart of this ever-evolving discipline in the foreseeable future.
The book is divide in three parts; part one is on the “Developments in the management of the oceans”; part two on the “Developments in the law concerning carriage of goods and international trade” and part three refers to the “Development in marine insurance”. Worth mentioning the contributors: Professor Malcolm Foster, Dr. Andrew Serby, Richard Shaw, Professor Nick Gaskell, Professor Mikis Tsimplis, Regina Asariotis, Filippo Lorenzon, Dr. Melis Ozdel, Alexander Sandiforth, Johanna Hjalmarsson, Jennifer Lavelle and Professor Yvonne Baatz.
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