Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Singapore, Pasir Panjang – Reclamation at Pasir Panjang terminal &
* Australia, Dampier – Depths at Rio Tinto facilities
* Australia, all ports – Anchoring off Australian ports
DATE: January 17, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: Pasir Panjang
Reclamation at Pasir Panjang terminal & wharves
The working period for reclamation work at the Pasir Panjang terminal and
wharves has been revised.
According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine
Notice No. 10 of 2014 dated 17 January 2014, the work will now be conducted
24 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – from 19 January to
18 July, within the working area bounded by the following co-ordinates (WGS
84 Datum):
1) 1° 16.774’N / 103° 46.645’E
2) 1° 16.662’N / 103° 46.579’E
3) 1° 16.620’N / 103° 46.649’E
(PKHV4 / Yellow Pillar / Fl (2) Y.4S)
4) 1° 16.472’N / 103° 46.748’E
(PKHV1 / Yellow Pillar / Fl (2) Y.2S)
5) 1° 16.255’N / 103° 46.777’E
(PKHV2 / Yellow Pillar / Fl (2)Y. 4S)
6) 1° 16.228’N / 103° 46.823’E
7) 1° 15.872’N / 103° 46.613’E
(PKHV6 / Yellow Pillar / Fl Y.2S)
8) 1° 15.513’N / 103° 46.566’E
(PKHV11 / Yellow Pillar / Fl(2) Y.4S)
9) 1° 15.326’N / 103° 46.878’E
(PKHV10 / Yellow Pillar / Fl(2) Y.8S)
10) 1° 15.138’N / 103° 47.190’E
(PKHV9 / Yellow Pillar / Fl Y.2S)
11) 1° 15.308’N / 103° 47.290’E
12) 1° 15.266’N / 103° 47.360’E
13) 1° 15.320’N / 103° 47.433’E
(PKHV8 / Red Can / Fl R. 4S)
14) 1° 15.688’N / 103° 47.748’E
(PKHV7 / Red Can / Fl R. 2S)
15) 1° 15.946’N / 103° 47.768’E
(PKHV13 / Red Can / Fl R. 6S)
16) 1° 16.030’N / 103° 47.694’E
(PKHV3 / Red Can / Fl R. 8S)
17) 1° 16.153’N / 103° 47.663’E
(PKHV5 / Red Can / Fl(2) R. 5S)
18) 1° 16.278’N / 103° 47.737’E
19) 1° 16.321’N / 103° 47.665’E
20) 1° 16.307’N / 103° 47.640’E
21) 1° 16.211’N / 103° 47.583’E
Note: Temporary markers/ buoys as listed in the table above will be in
place for the duration of the project. Work will include reclamation,
dredging, soil investigation, caisson construction, demolition of the
de-commissioned Pasir Panjang wharves, and removal of submarine cables,
pipelines and construction of container berth. Dredging work will be
carried out by dredgers attended to by tug boats. Safety boats will be
deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft and
vessels of the work.
Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and
international day and night signals.
When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
(a) keep clear and not to enter the working area;
(b) maintain a proper look-out;
(c) proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;
(d) maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 25 (Pasir Panjang Control);
(e) communicate with Pasir Panjang Control on VHF Channel 25 for
assistance, if required.
For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
DATE: January 17, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Dampier
Depths at Rio Tinto facilities
A recent campaign of bed levelling works followed by hydropgraphical
surveys has indicated increased depths in the Rio Tinto Channel.
The table below indicates the current depths at all Rio Tinto Iron Ore and
Fuel Facilities and the Rio Tinto departure channel. This marine notice
supersedes all other marine notices issued in the past by the Dampier Port
Authority that refer to this topic….
….There are no planned changes to declared depths in the foreseeable
future. Australian charts 57, 58, 59 and 60 will be updated by the
Australian Hydrographic Office in due course.
Berth/Channel: Parker Point 2
– Previous (old) declared depth: 18.7
– Current (new) declared depth : 18.7
Berth/Channel: Parker Point 3
– Previous (old) declared depth: 18.8
– Current (new) declared depth : 18.8
Berth/Channel: Parker Point 4
– Previous (old) declared depth: 19.5
– Current (new) declared depth : 19.5
Berth/Channel: Parker Point 5
– Previous (old) declared depth: 19.1
– Current (new) declared depth : 19.1
Berth/Channel: East Intercourse Island
– Previous (old) declared depth: 19.1
– Current (new) declared depth : 19.1
Berth/Channel: East Intercourse Island Lay By
– Previous (old) declared depth: 19.4
– Current (new) declared depth : 19.4
Berth/Channel: Dampier Fuel Berth
– Previous (old) declared depth: 11.4
– Current (new) declared depth : 11.4
Berth/Channel: Parker Point Deprature Channel
– Previous (old) declared depth: 15.0
– Current (new) declared depth : 15.4
Berth Channel: East Intercourse Isl. Dep Ch.
– Previous (old) declared depth: 15.5
– Current (new) declared depth : 15.5
Berth/Channel: Rio Tinto Deep Water Channel
– Previous (old) declared depth: 15.0
– Current (new) declared depth : 15.5
Berth/Channel: Parker Point Approach Channel
– Previous (old) declared depth: 7.8
– Current (new) declared depth : 8.0
(For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at
Source: Dampier Port Authority Marine Notice for the Port of Dampier No:
05/2014 dated 16 January 2014
DATE: January 17, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: all ports
Anchoring off Australian ports
The purpose of this Marine Notice is to remind Masters of the precautions
to be taken when anchoring off Australian ports.
Vessels, mainly bulk-carriers, may be required to anchor off some
Australian ports whilst waiting for their turn to berth.
Masters should apply the basic tenets of good seamanship and common sense
when anchoring in off-shore and exposed anchorages.
At some ports, there are designated anchorages; these are shown on
large-scale charts. Therefore, the port authority or vessel traffic service
(VTS) may instruct the Master to proceed to a specified anchorage.
Where anchorages are not designated, the Master should select an anchor
position taking into account the following:
* ample swinging room is left from charted dangers and other anchored
* good holding ground is sought whenever possible. Recommendations may be
found in Admiralty Sailing Directions and commercially available port entry
guides; and
* an adequate length of cable is veered.
The attention of Masters is drawn to the requirements of Part A of the
Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW Code)
section A-VIII/2, part 4-1, provision 51, regarding vessels at anchor.
It is essential that routines are in place to check the vessel’s position
regularly. Use of GPS, visual bearings and radar ranges is recommended.
Prevailing and forecast weather, tides and tidal streams, proximity of land
and hazards, proximity of other vessels at anchor and traffic congestion at
the anchorage should all be taken into account, when deciding on the
position checking routine.
The Master should be aware of the particular meteorological conditions
which may affect the vessel at anchor.
It is essential that the Master monitors current weather forecasts and
warnings. Weather forecast services are listed in the Admiralty List of
Radio Signals Volume 3 Part 2.
Information on weather forecast services can also be found in the
Australian Seafarers Handbook. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology
provides coastal forecasts and warnings on its internet site:
Where possible, the main engines, steering gear and windlasses should not
be dismantled or immobilised whilst at anchor, as conditions may
deteriorate at short notice.
If repairs are essential to any of these machinery items, the relevant port
authority or VTS should be advised of the situation. Such actions should be
recorded in the vessel’s deck log book.
At all times, the ballast condition should be such that the vessel’s
propeller is fully immersed, adequate seagoing stability is maintained and
that the vessel’s forward draught is maintained in accordance with the
requirements of the vessel’s stability book.
In the event that deteriorating weather is forecast, the Master should make
a timely decision to take on heavy weather ballast before conditions become
severe enough to prevent ballasting operations.
The Master should assess the forecast wind and sea conditions and if
necessary leave an anchorage, to avoid the risk of dragging anchor and
possibly grounding. The Master should not wait for instructions from a VTS
or port authority, (whether in a designated anchorage within port limits or
not) if the Master considers the safety of the vessel requires such action.
Masters are also to pay due regard to any instructions a VTS or port
authority may provide them.
(For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at
Source: Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Marine Notice 3/2014
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