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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Germany, Kiel Canal – Transit delays through Canal
* United States, Delaware River – Ice Condition II: Update to Steel Hull
* Hong Kong, Hong Kong – Submarine cable fault detection works
* Australia, Hay Point – Bad weather halts berthing & loading
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 27/01/2014

DATE: January 27, 2014
COUNTRY: Germany
PORT: Kiel Canal
Transit delays through Canal

Ships approaching the Kiel Canal for transit from Brunsbuttel should expect
waiting times of about 12 hours today (27 January).

From the Kiel-Holtenau side, the anticipated waiting time is about 4 hours.

These delays are expected for ships with LOA exceeding 125m and draft over
6, 5m.

(For information about operations in Germany contact the GAC UK Hub Agency
Centre at hub.gb@gac.com)

Source: Sartori & Berger – GAC agent

DATE: January 27, 2014
COUNTRY: United States
PORT: Delaware River
Ice Condition II: Update to Steel Hull Restrictions

The Captain of the Port (COTP) Delaware Bay is notifying mariners that Ice
Condition II has been modified to expand STEEL HULL RESTRICTIONS in the
Delaware River.

There have been reports of ice formation that may impact navigation
throughout the COTP zone. All masters, ship agents and owners and operators
of all vessels, marine facilities and marinas should review and adhere to
the following Ice Condition II procedures for the Delaware River and its
tributaries, the Delaware Bay, and NJ and DE coasts:

* Only Steel hull vessels may operate in the Delaware River north of Reedy
Point, in the Schuylkill River, in the Salem River, and within the
Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D) Canal.

* Vessels should be able to maneuver unassisted through the ice without
needing to stop, back off and ram the ice.

* Vessel moorings should be checked frequently to ensure the vessel is
adequately moored.

* Vessels at anchor should maintain their engines on standby at all times
when ice is present.

* Vessel sea chests should be checked regularly for ice buildup and
precautions should be taken to ensure that the sea chests are kept clear.

* Vessels at anchor should ensure that proper bridge watches are stood at
all times.

* The COTP Delaware Bay may establish additional requirements for specific
geographic areas of the COTP Zone if conditions warrant such restrictions.

Please refer to our internet website for additional information regarding
ice operations within the Sector Delaware Bay zone at http:

Updates to ice conditions can be heard by calling the Coast Guard Sector
Delaware Bay Ice Hotline at (215) 271-4995. Mariners are also requested to
keep the Coast Guard informed of any major ice developments.

(For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Delaware Bay, Marine Safety Information
Bulletin No.10-14 dated 26 January 2014

DATE: January 27, 2014
COUNTRY: Hong Kong
PORT: Hong Kong
Submarine cable fault detection works

For approximately one week, submarine cable fault detection works will be
carried out [to the Northwest of the Hong Kong International Airport]
within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following
co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (E):
(A) 22 deg. 19.101’N / 113 deg. 53.236’E
(B) 22 deg. 18.841’N / 113 deg. 53.452’E
(C) 22 deg. 18.658’N / 113 deg. 53.402’E
(D) 22 deg. 18.750’N / 113 deg. 53.180’E
(E) 22 deg. 18.989’N / 113 deg. 53.004’E

The works will be carried out by one tug. One work boat will provide

A working area of approximately 50 metres will be established around the
tug. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to
mark the positions of the anchors extending from the tug.

The hours of work will be from 0800 to 1800 hours. Vessels employed for the
works will not stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in
international and local regulations.

Diving operations will be carried out from time to time during the hours of

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution and keep
clear at slow speed, bearing in mind that there are divers working in the

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.16 of 2014

DATE: January 27, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Hay Point
Bad weather halts berthing & loading

Berthing and loading have been suspended at Hay Point, Dalrymple Bay Coal
Terminal and Abbot Point due to adverse weather.

The Mackay & Hay Point Harbour Master advises:

The region is expecting weather conditions to deteriorate in the next few
days. A low pressure system located in Coral Sea is forecast to move close
to Hay Point region. This may develop into a cyclone. More consistent
predictions on this low pressure system should be available from the Bureau
Of Meteorology over the next 24 – 48 hours.

In preparation for this, I would advise all port and marine operators in
the region, coal terminals and ships to commence taking steps to minimise
the weather impact and if prudent, activate your cyclone contingency plan.

Ships at anchor are advised to ballast down and be in readiness to leave
the port at short notice when directed by the Harbour Master. Engine
immobilisation approval is suspended until further notice.

Conditions at coal terminals are as follows:

HAY POINT COAL TERMINAL has suspended all shipping movements for all berths
due to inclement weather conditions i.e. strong winds/sea swell and rain
periods until further notice. Vessel ‘Anangel Dynasty’ departed berth no.2
at 0756/27th. The terminal will assess weather conditions again tomorrow.

DALRUMPLE BAY COAL TERMINAL has suspended all shipping movements for all
berths due to inclement weather conditions i.e. strong winds/sea swell and
rain periods until further notice. Vessel ‘Centrans Lucky’ departed berth
no.2 at 2000/26th. The terminal will assess weather conditions again

ABBOT POINT COAL TERMINAL has suspended all shipping movements for all
berths due to inclement weather conditions i.e. strong winds/sea swell and
rain periods until further notice. Vessel ‘Kambanos’ departed berth no.2 at
0800/27th. The terminal will assess weather conditions again tomorrow.

Harbour Masters for both regions have not officially closed the Port of Hay
Point and Port of Abbot Point, the terminals have decided to suspend
shipping movements for safety reasons.

Some vessels at anchorage are preparing to leave this evening for safety
reasons. This decision is entirely up to the Master as the Harbour Master
has not closed the port.

A weak monsoon trough extends over the northern Coral Sea to a developing
monsoon low southwest of the Solomon Islands group. The monsoon low is
expected to deepen over the next few days and possibly move westwards
through the Coral Sea, though some uncertainty still exists with its
movement. Forecasts from Tuesday are highly dependent on the development
and movement of this system. A large high in the western Tasman Sea will
move slowly east during the forecast period, extending a firm ridge along
the east Queensland coast to the south of the monsoon trough.

Forecast for Monday until midnight – Strong Wind Warning for Monday for
Mackay Coast
Winds Southeasterly 25 to 33 knots. Seas 2.5 to 3 metres. Swell Easterly
below 1 metre, increasing to 1.5 to 2.5 metres offshore. Chance of

Tuesday 28 January – Gale Warning for Tuesday for Mackay Coast. Winds
Southeasterly 25 to 33 knots, reaching up to 35 knots offshore during the
afternoon and evening. Seas 2 to 3 metres, increasing to 3 to 4 metres
offshore during the afternoon. Swell Easterly below 1 metre, increasing to
1.5 to 2.5 metres offshore.
Chance of thunderstorms.

Wednesday 29 January – Winds Southeasterly 30 to 35 knots. Seas 2 to 3
metres, increasing to 3 to 4 metres offshore. Swell East to northeasterly 1
to 2 metres, tending north to northeasterly 1 to 1.5 metres during the
morning, then increasing to 1 to 2 metres around midday. Winds and seas
dependent on the development and movement of the monsoon low.

Thursday 30 January – Winds Southeasterly 30 to 35 knots turning easterly
30 to 40 knots during the day. Seas 2 to 3 metres, increasing to 2.5 to 4
metres offshore. Swell Northeasterly 1 to 1.5 metres. Winds and seas
dependent on the development and movement of the monsoon low.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at

DATE: January 27, 2014
Bunker Update:

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

                        180 CST   380 CST   MGO         MDO

Aberdeen                0         0         570.00      0

Aden                    730.00    0         1, 115.00    0

Alexandria              760.00    0         1, 200.00    0

Amsterdam               589.00    567.00    889.00      0

Antwerp                 593.00    564.00    904.00      0

Aqaba                   0         705.00    1, 055.00    0

Bahrain                 0         0         1, 047.00    0

Barrow                  0         0         1, 010.00    0

Bergen                  660.00    630.00    953.00      0

Busan                   678.50    650.00    956.50      946.50

Cape Town               641.00    0         0           0

Colombo                 660.00    657.00    1, 025.00    0

Dubai                   640.00    620.00    910.00      0

Durban                  616.00    0         1, 047.00    0

Falmouth                672.00    625.00    989.00      0

Fawley                  0         0         984.00      0

Felixstowe              0         0         1, 058.00    0

Fujairah                632.50    625.50    991.00      0

Gibraltar               672.50    630.50    952.50      0

Grangemouth             0         0         587.00      0

Harwich                 0         0         1, 045.00    0

Hong Kong               642.00    636.50    957.00      0

Houston                 660.00    590.00    980.00      0

Immingham               0         0         985.00      0

Invergordon             0         0         1, 010.00    0

Istanbul                646.50    613.50    980.50      0

Jeddah                  690.00    670.00    1, 070.00    0

Kaohsiung               668.00    656.00    1, 040.00    1, 025.00

Kuwait                  632.00    625.00    990.00      0

Leith                   0         0         585.00      0

Lerwick                 0         0         590.00      0

Malta                   715.50    680.50    930.50      0

Mersey                  0         0         577.00      0

Milford Haven           0         0         1, 027.00    0

Mumbai                  639.50    632.50    1, 179.50    0

New York & New Jersey   650.00    595.00    975.00      0

Panama                  660.00    600.00    1, 030.00    0

Piraeus                 685.50    660.50    949.50      0

Plymouth                0         0         1, 035.00    0

Port Louis              712.00    0         1, 070.00    0

Port Said               760.00    665.00    1, 070.00    0

Qatar                   0         0         960.00      0

Richards Bay            626.00    0         1, 057.00    0

Rio de Janeiro          620.00    596.00    1, 020.00    0

Rotterdam               593.00    564.00    904.00      0

Salalah                 715.00    660.00    1, 085.00    0

Shanghai                671.50    654.50    1, 064.00    0

Sharjah                 640.00    620.00    910.00      0

Singapore               610.00    603.00    915.00      0

St Petersburg           410.00    390.00    0           0

Stavanger               0         0         967.00      0

Suez                    680.00    665.00    1, 065.00    0

Walvis Bay              695.00    0         1, 030.00    0

West Africa OFFSHORE    0         670.00    1, 010.00    0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices should be approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com
Europe: bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Americas: bunker.us@gac.com
Asia Pacific: bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian Subcontinent: bunker.sl@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting HPN for more information or
with your bunker enquiry.

GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.


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