Fugro GEOS has been contracted by Statoil to provide current measurements for the construction planning of two export pipelines in the North Sea. An oil pipeline will run from the Johan Sverdrup field to the Mongstad terminal, whilst a gas export pipeline from the same field will connect to Kalstø.
Seventeen current moorings will be deployed in water depths ranging from 115 to 578 metres to produce measurements for a period of 15 months together with post-service reports. The measured data will enable Statoil to consider the most appropriate engineering design for the pipeline route, reducing risk and cost.

Jonathan Ainley
“Statoil needed a contractor they could trust to mobilise the seventeen moorings for the Johan Sverdrup measurement campaign within a short space of time and we were extremely pleased to rise to this challenge, ” says Jonathan Ainley, Commercial Manager at Fugro GEOS Ltd. “Statoil knows that we invest heavily in the latest instrumentation and can rely on Fugro to provide excellent data returns and accurate data sets.”
Over eleven Fugro GEOS moorings are already deployed in northern Norway for Statoil in support of the Johan Castberg pipeline study and at Hoop and Aasta Hansteen fields. Seven Fugro-manufactured metocean buoys monitoring waves, currents and meteorological parameters are also deployed on Statoil fields in Norway and the UK.
Fugro has a wealth of experience supporting clients worldwide with metocean measurements for exploration and field development projects in water depths from near shore to over 3, 000 metres. Continual investment in training and equipment gives Fugro a team of highly skilled engineers and the world’s largest commercial inventory of oceanographic equipment.
Fugro creates value by acquiring and interpreting Earth and engineering data and by supporting its clients with the design, construction, installation, repair and maintenance of their infrastructure. Fugro works predominantly in energy and infrastructure markets offshore and onshore, employing approximately 12, 500 employees in over sixty countries. In 2012 Fugro’s revenues amounted to € 2.2 billion, it is listed on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam and is included in the AEX-Index.