Your daily news service from ports around the world.
In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Worldwide – Incident in the Gulf of Aden
* Singapore, all ports – Directing of laser lights at aircraft
* Australia, Hay Point – Changes to vessel acceptance rules
* Australia, Abbot Point – Towage charges adjustment
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATE 30/04/2014
DATE: April 30, 2014
COUNTRY: Worldwide
Incident in the Gulf of Aden
The U.S. Navy Maritime Liaison Office in Bahrain (MARLO) advises that on or
about 1300 UTC yesterday (29 April) the Master of a motor vessel reported
being approached by two skiffs in the Gulf of Aden, near position 12.03
North – 045.37 East.
Reportedly, one of the skiffs had seven personnnel onboard when they closed
within 2NM from the vessel. Crew from the vessel reported seeing some type
of weapon from the personnel onboard the skiff. The armed security team on
the vessel showed their weapons and the skiffs moved away in a southerly
direction. Procedures IAW BMP4 were conducted.
It is recommended vessels within the vicinity of this alert operate with a
heightened level of security and report any suspicious activity to MSCHOA,
UKMTO or MARLO. MARLO can be contacted at: phone:
For information about operations in the Middle East contact the GAC Dubai
Hub Agency Cwentre at
DATE: April 30, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: all ports
Directing of laser lights at aircraft
The Maritime and Port Authority has issued a notice warning vessels not to
direct laser lights at aircraft, as this can confuse, distract or cause
discomfort to pilots.
Any instances of such activity should be reported to CAAS-Air Navigation
Services (Tel. 6595 4088 or Fax 6545 6516).
For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
DATE: April 30, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Hay Point
Changes to vessel acceptance rules
As a result of recent risk assessments undertaken by Hay Point and
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminals, they will no longer accept any vessel under
40, 000mt DWT.
Vessels of DWT between 40-56, 000mt will be considered on a case by case
basis. Both terminals would prefer Panamax vessels or larger.
For further details, including revised vessel specifications, and
information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at
DATE: April 30, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Abbot Point
Towage charges adjustment
The Bowen Towage Services’ Volume Based Surcharge (VBS) for their operation
servicing Abbot Point Coal Terminal will be decreased from 25% to 19% from
1 June 2014.
This follows a recalibration of the surcharge taking into account
operational conditions, cost escalations and unrealised forecast shipping
The recalibrated VBS table is as follows:
– Tug jobs per month: 52 / Surcharge: 92%
– Tug jobs per month: 56 / Surcharge: 79%
– Tug jobs per month: 60 / Surcharge: 67%
– Tug jobs per month: 64 / Surcharge: 56%
– Tug jobs per month: 68 / Surcharge: 47%
– Tug jobs per month: 72 / Surcharge: 39%
– Tug jobs per month: 76 / Surcharge: 32%
– Tug jobs per month: 80 / Surcharge: 25%
– Tug jobs per month: 84 / Surcharge: 19%
– Tug jobs per month: 88 / Surcharge: 14%
– Tug jobs per month: 92 / Surcharge: 9%
– Tug jobs per month: 96 / Surcharge: 4%
– Tug jobs per month: 100 / Surcharge: 0%
Over the last 4 months, 84 tug jobs has been the average, during a
continued period of volume volatility. Therefore the proposed change to the
current VBS rate is a reduction from 25% to 19% to be implemented on 1 June
The VBS will continue to be reviewed on a 6 monthly basis.
For further details and information about operations in Australia contact
GAC Australia at
DATE: April 30, 2014
Bunker Update:
GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
180 CST 380 CST MGO MDO Aberdeen 0 0 555.00 0 Aden 730.00 0 1, 115.00 0 Alexandria 760.00 0 1, 175.00 0 Amsterdam 604.00 581.00 890.00 0 Antwerp 605.00 576.00 862.00 0 Aqaba 0 697.00 1, 030.00 0 Bahrain 0 0 1, 060.00 0 Bergen 689.00 662.00 950.00 0 Busan 632.00 605.00 935.00 925.00 Cape Town 640.00 0 975.00 0 Colombo 648.00 630.00 990.00 0 Dubai 630.00 610.00 885.00 0 Durban 619.00 0 1, 040.00 0 Fujairah 611.50 600.50 984.50 0 Gibraltar 689.50 659.50 959.50 0 Grangemouth 0 0 570.00 0 Hong Kong 618.50 611.50 942.50 0 Houston 650.00 599.00 975.00 0 Istanbul 638.50 610.50 973.50 0 Jeddah 710.00 680.00 1, 090.00 0 Kaohsiung 660.00 649.00 1, 075.00 1, 060.00 Kuwait 611.00 601.00 984.00 0 Leith 0 0 568.00 0 Lerwick 0 0 578.00 0 Malta 726.50 699.50 929.50 0 Mersey 0 0 575.00 0 Mumbai 621.50 609.50 1, 074.50 0 New York & New Jersey 661.00 607.00 1, 050.00 0 Panama 700.00 615.00 1, 030.00 0 Piraeus 713.50 684.50 952.50 0 Port Louis 699.00 0 1, 044.00 0 Port Said 760.00 680.00 1, 085.00 0 Qatar 0 0 920.00 0 Richards Bay 0 0 1, 065.00 0 Rio de Janeiro 633.00 610.00 990.00 0 Rotterdam 604.00 574.00 862.00 0 Salalah 695.00 645.00 1, 125.00 0 Shanghai 642.50 615.50 1, 078.50 0 Sharjah 630.00 610.00 885.00 0 Singapore 610.00 593.00 907.00 0 Sohar 0 629.00 1, 020.00 0 St Petersburg 535.50 515.50 0 0 Stavanger 0 0 966.00 0 Suez 700.00 680.00 1, 100.00 0 Sunderland 0 0 564.00 0 Thames 0 0 579.00 0 Walvis Bay 710.00 0 1, 049.00 0 West Africa OFFSHORE 0 652.00 990.00 0
Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.
The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices
should be approached directly for firm prices.
Middle East & Africa:
Egypt & Mediterranean:
Asia Pacific:
Indian Subcontinent:
Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or quoting
HPN for more information or with your bunker enquiry.
GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.