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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC-newYour daily news service from ports around the world.

In this HOT PORT NEWS, read about:
* Namibia, all ports – New rule for temporary import of vessels
* United States, New York, NewYork – Restrictions & closures during Fleet Week 2014
* Singapore, all ports – Garbage collection services at anchorages
* Australia, Darwin – Port charges to increase
* Bunker Update – MARKET PRICE UPDATES 19/05/14

DATE: May 19, 2014
COUNTRY: Namibia
PORT: all ports
New rule for temporary import of vessels

The Namibian Ministry of Finance (Customs & Excise) advises that a new rule
governing the temporary importation of vessels into the country is now in

Documents required for temporary importation, which is available on
– Copy of vessel’s registration Certificate.
– Copy of vessel’s tonnage Certificate.
– Sworn statement declaring the value plus equipment on board the vessel.

Temporary Importation will be free of Import duty and Namibian VAT, but the
agent must apply in advance, on behalf of the owner, for a rebate permit
from Namibian Ministry of Trade and Industry. This permit takes
approximately 14 working days from date of application, so it recommended
to start the process at least 20 working days ahead of vessel arrival.

Vessels will be required to declare list of all consumables on board on
arrival and duties and VAT will have to brought to account accordingly.

All temporarily imports vessels working offshore Namibia will not go
through the normal inward and outward clearing process for their port
calls. Each vessel will be issued with a transire which is valid for three
months if no changes to officers or master is done. The transire will have
to be renewed each time there are changes to officers or master.

For further details and information about operations in Namibia contact GAC
South Africa at shipping.capetown@gac.com

DATE: May 19, 2014
COUNTRY: United States
PORT: New York, NewYork
Restrictions & closures during Fleet Week 2014

During Fleet Week 2014, all naval vessels will have a 500 yard Naval Vessel
Protection Zone (NVPZ) around them. This zone is in effect AT ALL TIMES
except when the naval vessel is moored in a restricted area.

General information and restrictions for the Hudson River and Upper Bay
during the parade of ships:
Commercial passenger vessels on established ferry routes may need to pass
through the parade of ships within the 500 yard Naval Vessel Protection
Zone boundary. Commercial passenger vessels that need to transit through
the military warship section of the parade must make passing arrangements
with the Coast Guard and receive authorization to crosvia VHF Ch 13.
Passenger vessels must pass a minimum distance of 250 yards from all
military warships. Vessels must operate at the minimum speed necessary to
maintain safcourse while crossing the parade formation and take all
direction that may be provided by the Coast Guard or Naval warship. All
vessel traffic in the Hudson River and Upper Bay shall transit to the west
of the parade column and shall operate at the minimum speed necessary to
maintain safe course.

When within this 500 yard zone, all vessels shall operate at the minimum
safe speed necessary to maintain course and shall proceed as directed by
the Coast Guard or Navy. No vessel or person is allowed within 100 yards of
naval vessels without permission of the Captain of the Port. Other law
enforcement agencies will assist the Coast Guard in maintain the NVPZ| and
safety zone.

The following waterway restrictions and closures will be in effect:
* No vessels are authorized within the restricted area around the Stapleton
Homeport Pier on Staten Island from 4:00am, May 21, 2014 through 8:00pm,
May 27, 2014.
* No vessels are authorized within 250 yards of the Manhattan Cruise
Terminal on the Hudson River between the south east corner of Pier 86 and
the northeast corner of Pier 92, from 4:00am, Wednesday May 21, 2014
through 8:00pm, Tuesday May 27, 2014, with the exception of scheduled
cruise ship arrivals and departures.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014:
* 4.00am: Stapleton Anchorage 23B, and Gravesend \Anchorage are closed to
commercial vessels.
* 5.00am: Last inbound tug/barge, or deep draft vessels, permitted to pass
though the Alpha Buoy and enter Ambrose Channel.
* 7.00: Last outbound tug/barge or deep draft vessel, permitted to pass
through The Narrows (Verrazano Bridge) and out Ambrose Channel.
• 11:00 am: Inbound traffic permitted in Ambrose Channel.
• 11:00am Upper Bay 23B (immediately adjacent to Homeport Pier) will remain
closed until May 28, 2014.

All time listed above are approximate. The potential exists for
unanticipated delays due to delays due to ship movement and/or
implementation of additional vessel controls with little or no warning
within the Port of NY/NJ from Wednesday, May 21 through Tuesday, May 27,

For the most up to date information on current restrictions please contact
VTS New York at (718) 354-4088. 4.

Entry into or movement within the restricted zones unless authorized by the
Coast Guard Captain of the Port or a designated on-scene representative.
Any person violating this regulation is subject to a penalty of up to
$50, 000 and/or imprisonment for not more than 5 years. 5.

Additional waterway information is available at

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.om

DATE: May 19, 2014
COUNTRY: Singapore
PORT: all ports
Garbage collection services at anchorages

MPA [the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore] is currently providing
garbage collection services to all vessels at the anchorages in the port of
Singapore from 7.30am to 5.30pm.

This garbage collection is a free service with limited numbers of garbage
bags allowed.

Ships with large quantities of garbage (in excess of the limit) may wish to
make special arrangement for garbage disposal for which a fee will be
charged. This special garbage collection services is also available daily
from 7.30am to 5.30pm.

To improve our service levels to the port and maritime community, MPA has
embarked on an initiative known as the Garbage Collection Special Service
Online System (GACSS). The GACSS allows for shipping agents or ship masters
to apply for the special garbage collection services online.

Shipping agents or ship masters are required to have a Marinet account to
use the GACSS. The GACSS will be launched on 26 May 2014.

Ships intending to dispose their garbage before 1200hrs have to submit
their application online before 1600hrs on the previous day. For online
request submitted after 1600hrs, the collection service can only be done on
the next day after 1200hrs.

(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No. 65
of 2014 dated 19 May 2014

DATE: May 19, 2014
COUNTRY: Australia
PORT: Darwin
Port charges to increase

Darwin Port Corporation and Broome Port Authority have advised hat port
charges will increase from 1 July.

Darwin charges will increase by 3.6%, and Broome by 5%.

For further details and information about operations in Austra;ia contact
GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

DATE: May 19, 2014
Bunker Update:

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert

                        180 CST   380 CST   MGO         MDO

Aberdeen                0         0         547.00      0

Aden                    725.00    674.00    1, 099.00    0

Alexandria              760.00    660.00    1, 175.00    0

Amsterdam               612.00    588.00    900.00      0

Antwerp                 610.00    580.00    867.00      0

Aqaba                   0         697.00    1, 030.00    0

Bahrain                 0         0         1, 048.00    0

Bergen                  703.00    678.00    950.00      0

Busan                   637.00    610.00    943.00      930.00

Cape Town               652.00    0         977.00      0

Colombo                 645.00    632.00    990.00      0

Dubai                   640.00    625.00    895.00      0

Durban                  612.00    0         1, 045.00    0

Fujairah                612.50    607.50    989.50      0

Gibraltar               702.50    672.50    948.50      0

Grangemouth             0         0         563.00      0

Hong Kong               626.00    615.50    948.00      0

Houston                 639.00    601.00    975.00      0

Istanbul                644.50    615.50    968.50      0

Jeddah                  725.00    670.00    1, 070.00    0

Kaohsiung               667.00    653.00    1, 082.00    1, 065.00

Kuwait                  611.50    606.50    989.00      0

Leith                   0         0         560.00      0

Lerwick                 0         0         568.00      0

Malta                   739.50    712.50    930.50      0

Mersey                  0         0         579.00      0

Mumbai                  627.50    614.50    1, 096.50    0

New York & New Jersey   677.00    622.00    995.00      0

Panama                  704.00    615.00    1, 040.00    0

Piraeus                 724.50    695.50    942.50      0

Port Louis              698.00    0         1, 030.00    0

Port Said               760.00    680.00    1, 085.00    0

Qatar                   0         0         925.00      0

Richards Bay            625.00    0         1, 055.00    0

Rio de Janeiro          619.00    595.00    990.00      0

Rotterdam               608.00    578.00    870.00      0

Salalah                 695.00    645.00    1, 125.00    0

Shanghai                652.50    627.50    1, 074.00    0

Sharjah                 640.00    625.00    895.00      0

Singapore               613.00    597.00    912.00      0

Sohar                   0         629.00    1, 020.00    0

St Petersburg           517.50    497.50    0           0

Stavanger               0         0         970.00      0

Suez                    700.00    678.00    0           0

Sunderland              0         0         559.00      0

Thames                  0         0         572.00      0

Walvis Bay              715.00    0         1, 075.00    0

West Africa OFFSHORE    0         655.00    997.00      0

Present in seven locations worldwide, GAC Bunker Fuels, part of the GAC
group, is a global broker and trader of marine fuels and lubricants.

The prices listed are for indication purposes only, and local offices
should be approached directly for firm prices.

Middle East & Africa: bunker.ae@gac.com
Europe: bunker.gb@gac.com
Egypt & Mediterranean: bunker.eg@gac.com
Americas: bunker.us@gac.com
Asia Pacific: bunker.sg@gac.com
Indian Subcontinent: bunker.sl@gac.com

Contact Martyn McMahon on +971 566032534 or Martyn.mcmahon@gac.com quoting
HPN for more information or with your bunker enquiry.

GAC is the world’s leading provider of services and solutions for the
global Shipping, Logistics and Marine industries.


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