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Home Associations INTERMEPA celebrates its 8th Anniversary at Posidonia 2014

INTERMEPA celebrates its 8th Anniversary at Posidonia 2014

by admin
INTERMEPA's Steering cCommittee

INTERMEPA’s Steering Committee (l to r): Dimitris C. Mitsatsos, Clay Maitland, Dr Michael Ierides, Prof.Oleksandr Yatsenko, Carleen Lyden-Kluss, George Tsavliris, Igor Karpenko, Natalia Tsantsaridi, and Panagiotis Vrettakos.

The Steering Committee of the International Marine Environment Protection Association-INTERMEPA convened in Flisvos Marina, Greece on Thursday 5 June in a celebratory mood, as 8 years have passed since its founding in 2006. The celebration had a special gravity, given that it so happened that INTERMEPA’s birthday coincided with the International Shipping Exhibition Posidonia.

Members present at the meeting of the Committee were the Chairmen and Directors of the Associations of Australia-AUSMEPA, Cyprus-CYMEPA, Greece-HELMEPA, United States-NAMEPA and Ukraine-UKRMEPA.

In compliance with the Articles of the Association, the members of the Committee unanimously re-elected George Tsavliris of CYMEPA as Chairman and Warwick Norman of AUSMEPA as Vice-Chairman of INTERMEPA for the next two years.

They also decided that the Association intensifies its efforts for a closer co-operation between the Junior sections of all MEPAs. Youth environmental awareness initiatives taken in each country will be shared amongst member MEPAs whilst social networks will be used for the better dissemination of material and the spreading of appropriate messages.

The next Steering Committee meeting was decided to take place in Washington DC on the occasion of National Maritime Day in the US on 22 May 2015.

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