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Home ShipmanagementAccountancy London International Shipping Week unveils its 2015 theme

London International Shipping Week unveils its 2015 theme

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Jeremy Penn

Addressing an official LISW2015 launch event in London, Jeremy Penn, CEO of The Baltic Exchange and Chairman of the LISW Steering Group, underlined the importance of Government and industry working together as shipping looks to shape itself to meet the demands of the next decade.

He said: “It is all about innovation in shipping but this can only be achieved if there is joined up partnership between industry and Government. We want LISW2015, and the conference in particular, to help people think about the shape of shipping in 10 years’ time. What role will China be playing then; and how will India and Africa’s importance and influence have changed? How can shipping achieve the necessary 30%-40% reduction in operating costs as opposed to just 5% or 10%?”

London International Shipping Week 2015, which will build on the success of the inaugural event in 2013, will take place from September 7 to 11 throughout London with some UK regional events also being staged to highlight the strength and breadth of the UK’s maritime sector.

Leaders from every sector of the global shipping industry will descend on London during the week to take part in influential meetings, seminars and functions, culminating in a high level industry shipping conference and spectacular gala dinner.

More than 100 industry functions will provide a unique set of opportunities for leaders across all sectors of the international shipping industry and associated businesses including regulators, charterers, ship owners, ship managers, bunker suppliers, commodity traders and brokers, ship suppliers, port operators, insurers and shipping service providers.

LISW 2015 will be the ‘must attend’ event of the year and is organised by Shipping Innovation in association with the UK Department for Transport, The Baltic Exchange, Maritime London, Maritime UK, the UK Chamber of Shipping, UK Major Ports Group and The CityUK, the independent promotional body for UK financial and professional services.

The packed calendar of events already has the support of key maritime organisations, including global communications specialist Inmarsat, the DGS Marine Group, international law firms Ince & Co, Norton Rose Fulbright and Holman, Fenwick & Willan, Lloyd’s Register Marine, The Baltic Exchange, Willis, Hill Dickinson, The Standard Club, ABP, Bibby Ship Management, Brookes Bell Group, Clyde & Co, Gibralter Port Authority, Port of London Authority, Port2Port, Nautilus, ReedSmith and Videotel.

Visitors to LISW2015 can now download the official LISW2015 app. For iPhone and iPad versions please go to the App store and type in ‘London International Shipping Week’. For Android versions go to Google Play and type in ‘LISW’ to download the event app.

Further information can be found on the dedicated event website: www.londoninternationalshippingweek.com


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