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Home HRAcademia Upturning the Cyprus Economy – The role of Shipping

Upturning the Cyprus Economy – The role of Shipping

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Shipping: clear skies, plain sailing - Photo credits AZF

Shipping: clear skies, plain sailing – Photo credits AZF

Few people, and in particular economists and politicians,  have ever got the message with respect to the multitude of advantages to the world economy, despite the…famous or infamous American presidential maxim: “it’s the economy stupid…”, vis-à-vis alleviating the hassle of austerity the international public is subjected  these days – even European countries’ debts and all that jazz, if appropriately, the “tool” of Shipping gets in and things become ship-shape! The Shipping Clusters are second to none!

John N. Faraclas will try to explain in this forthcoming event, organised by UCLan’s* School of Business & Management under the Open Seminar Series: Practitioners’ Perspectives, on the Island of Aphrodite, at the Large Auditorium at UCLan Cyprus, Pyla Campus in Larnaka on the 7th of October between 15:00-16:00 hours. What a chance to begin with saving and upturning of a small nation’s future, that of Cyprus! Coincidentally, the nest three days it’s WISTA’s AGM and International Conference, so Cyprus is the focal point of the World!

Indeed “It’s Shipping Stupid, ” to paraphrase with a different perspective that: It’s All About Shipping!

This is the second international cooperation between UCLan, under Prof. Panikkos Poutziouris and Dr. Loukas G. Glyptis immense support and meticulous organisation with www.allaboutshipping.co.uk – The first one was last April in London’s Hellenic Centre; viewers can log on  here and see this relevant shipping event.

Viewers and interesting parties to attend can log on herebelow and get more info on the event:

Business School_Practitioners Perspectives_ Faraclas on Shipping   and Business School_Practitioners Perspectives_ Faraclas on Shipping

Look forward seeing you at UClan Cyprus’ Pyla Campus at Larnaka.

* University of Central Lancanshire

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1 comment

Cibele February 18, 2016 - 11:54 AM

COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Brussels, 11.04.2007 COM(2007) 160 final COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT:BLACK SEA SYNERGY- A NEW REGIONAL COOPERATION INITIATIVEquote3.1. Democracy, respect for human rithgs and good governanceThe Council of Europe and the OSCE have set standards on human rithgs and democracywhich apply to all Black Sea states. EU efforts in these regards are principally bilateral.Nevertheless, actions taken at the regional level can play a substantial role in underpinningand invigorating national measures. Black Sea regional organisations have in recent yearsundertaken commitments to developing effective democratic institutions, promoting goodgovernance and the rule of law. The EU should support these regional initiatives throughsharing experience on measures to promote and uphold human rithgs and democracy,providingtraining and exchange programmes and stimulating a regional dialogue with civil society.unquote


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