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Home HRAcademia LSLC best ever Cadwallader’s event!

LSLC best ever Cadwallader’s event!

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Julian Bray, Clay Maitland and Dr. Christine Berg in the panel with Dr. Aleka-Mandaraka Sheppard introducing the debate - photo credits:  Katerina Kalogeraki

Julian Bray, Clay Maitland and Dr. Christine Berg in the panel with Dr. Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard introducing the debate – photo credits: Katerina Kalogeraki

The 20th Anniversary Celebration gala dinner and Cadwalleder’s debate of the London Shipping Law  Centre (LSLC) at the Savoy on the Strand in London, the administrative capital of world shipping, ended a few hours ago and it is already, not just the talk of the Square Mile, but far beyond that: further from the “horizon”.

The LSLC is renowned for the themes to be debated as well as the panellists and venues in order to provide a sustainable environment for the shipping industry due to the fact that this particular industry is the essential industry substantially contributing to world trade. Ninety percent of all goods come on ships plying the seven seas. On this occasion and given what over the last decades takes place, particularly post ISM and ISPS, MOU’s and PSC’s “schemes”, accidents et al, the Debate was on the “Regulatory Challenges: Shipping Between a Rock and a Hard Place”. The Motion: “This House believes that parochial policies of regional regulators will wreck international shipping”; a very special and tricky also worded motion/question!

The Chairman of the Baltic Exchange Guy M. Campbell, LMAA Arbitrator John Tsatsas and hte Chairman of the LSLC Council The Hon. Sir Anthony Colman

The Chairman of the Baltic Exchange Guy M. Campbell, LMAA Arbitrator John Tsatsas and hte Chairman of the LSLC Council The Hon. Sir Anthony Colman

After a real network warm-up reception at the Lincoln Room, the Moderator Julian Bray, Editor-in-Chief from Tradewinds and the panellists, Clay Maitland (for the motion), the managing partner at International Registries In., and Dr. Christine Berg (against the motion), head of the Maritime Safety Unit at the European Commission come on stage, yes on stage for this crucial debate. Julian Bray, a coastal man to his credit (comes from Dorset and has witnessed quite a lot of happenings there in his early youth…) gave an excellent introduction matching this special debate!

SBR's Director George Constantopoulos, TMG's Director Les Chapman and his fiance Susan Rose of the Plume of Feathers at Greenwich

SBR’s Director George Constantopoulos, TMG’s Director Les Chapman and his fiance Susan Rose of the Plume of Feathers at Greenwich

Each of the “defenders” expressed their views and received appropriate questions from the audience, as well as deliberations and statements for which we will advise you in one of our coming presentations.

There were excellent questions by Ravi Mehrota, Jean Richards, Laura Bugden and from three more experts, enough to turn the wheel for the big change the industry needs as, over-regulation and parochial policies could, might, if you like, really rock the boat… It is a two way street, but… pragmatism should prevail!

The Rt. Hon. The Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony, vice president of the LSLC Council and Dr. Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard

The Rt. Hon. The Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony, vice president of the LSLC Council and Dr. Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard

Dr. Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard introduced the event and a very meticulously prepared video informed old and new members, as well as all present, of the two decades history of the London Shipping Law Centre; a very inspiring video with a flame inspiration clip! She whole-heartedly thanked the sponsors and supporters, particularly Holman Fenwick Willan, being the event’s principal sponsor – the platinum sponsor; Lloyd’s Register, the events Gold Sponsor; The American Club, and Eagle Ocean Marine the silver sponsors! She also praised the bronze sponsors 7KBW Barristers, 20 Essex Street, Bimco, Briannia, Cheeswrights, Clyde & Co, Essex Court Chambers Barristers, Reed Smith, Shell, Shipssist, Stone Chambers, The Tsavliris Salvage Group, the UK P&I Club and all those who unsolicited created the best ever event of its kind. Then, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony briefly addressed the guests.

Advocate Lisa Loucaides Theophanous with Mariella Theophanous

Advocate Lisa Loucaides Theophanous with Mariella Theophanous at the drinks reception


The excellent dinner – meticulously… laid on an excellent designed ivory menu, depicting alike the debate’s program the Corinth Canal,  at the Lancaster Ball Room was followed by the Vote of Thanks by Joe Hughes, chairman and CEO of the Shipowners’ Claims Bureau who runs the American Club. The very eloquent Joe Hughes’ Vote of Thanks was food-for-thought for all there; it was humourus too and was applauded by the three hundred plus strong audience! Iechyd da!

Stavroula Gavridi and Captain Dimitrios Kyrkos

Stavroula Gavridi and Captain Dimitrios Kyrkos

The many young people at the event were a breath of fresh air and as Dr. Aleka Sheppard mentioned in her very inspiring speech, “…it is now their turn to continue the admirable work of the centre”.

Finally, what was that gift given to Dr. Sheppard by George A. Tsavliris, one of the staunch supporters of the LSLC?

The top table

The  LSLC Chairman’s table

As mentioned above, we will revert soon with a full write up. Lastly many congratulations to Gerard Matthews, LSLC’s executive manager and his team in offering us, all coming from all over Planet Ocean, a great event!

This great event is as a result that the London Shipping Law Centre, is the leader in advanced maritime education, the medium in connecting people as well as the establishment in sharing knowledge for the benefit of the shipping industry! Watch this space and log on to book for the Centre’s forthcoming events!


Table 30 in centre stage(!), with Allan Graveson, Kiran Khosla, Matheos T.Los, Jean Richards, Chris Adams and his wife Natalie, Andraes Bisbas, Guy Campbell and John Economides.

Table 30 in centre stage(!), with Allan Graveson, Kiran Khosla, Matheos T.Los, Jean Richards, Chris Adams and his wife Natalie, Andreas Bisbas, Guy Campbell and John Economides.


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