The Mission to Seafarers’ global maritime welfare charity has launched a national radio campaign this week in the UK to help raise awareness and bring in vital funds to support seafarers in need over Christmas time.
For the world’s 1.5 million seafarers, Christmas will be just another day at sea. Thousands of seafarers are preparing to spend a lonely Christmas away from family and friends, most will go without hearing from loved ones, or seeing the faces they hold dear. Instead of sharing in the warmth, love and joy of the season, they will be working round the clock, giving their all to bring us our supplies of luxury goods and basic essentials.
The radio campaign is being led by Mission to Seafarers’ South Shields Centre Manager Dianne Erskine. She has spoken across the country via a podcast about her experiences of helping seafarers over the winter holiday period.
Dianne said: “Today’s technology is perfect for the seafarer to be able to see as well as talk to their family. And practically at this time of year, it’s very important for their children to be in contact with them, as sometimes they are away from home 10 months of the year.
Our priorities at the Mission have always been to ensure that the crew has constant contact with home and family whenever possible so in all centres we provide computers, WiFi, call cards and SIMs. The most important part of our work, especially at Christmas, is to actually be there, they might just need five minutes, just to talk to somebody other than a crew member.”
Dianne’s podcast is available here:
This Christmas, The Mission to Seafarers will help ease isolation by bringing seasonal joy, friendship and hope to the thousands of seafarers at sea. Everyone can make a difference to a seafarer’s life by supporting a seafarer today.
Text SEND22 £10 (or an alternative amount) to 70070 – Donate to The Mission to Seafarers and make a difference today.
Donations can also be made via The Mission to Seafarers’ website: