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Hot Port News from GAC

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GAC 01072014Cyclone Response Stage 3 – Clear Port
March 11, 2015, Australia, Dampier

The Port of Dampier is at Cyclone Response Stage 3 – Clear Port, and is commencing to clear the port and anchorages of all large vessels 12 hours ahead of the anticipated onset of gale force winds.

The Harbour Master has directed that Masters should ensure that:

* Engines and machinery are fully operational;

* Vessel stability, trim, and propeller immersion are appropriate;

* Manning, stores and bunkers are adequate;

to enable large vessels to put to sea at short notice or small vessels to move onto their designated cyclone moorings at short notice.

All Dampier anchorages are closed to new arrivals, with the exception of vessels proceeding to their designated cyclone moorings and small vessels seeking safe haven.

The Port of Dampier may be closed at some stage tomorrow. Further updates will be broadcast, as required, but by the latest 1000 hours local time on 12 March.

The latest Bureau of Meteorology cyclone forecast issued 0900 local time today (11 March) advises that the low continues to show signs of steady intensification and is on track to reach tropical cyclone intensity later today. The system is moving on a south-south westerly track, and is expected to continue to steer on a south to southwest track over the next 48 hours indicating a passage close to the NW Cape region on Friday morning. Based on the current track the system is likely to produce gales in the NW Shelf area off the Pilbara coast from tomorrow morning (12 March).

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Tropical Cyclone Nathan update (11 March 2015)
March 11, 2015, Australia, all ports

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has issued and update on Tropical Cyclone Nathan, which has formed in the Coral Sea off the East coast of Australia.

It appears that Cairns North may be affected, and Cape Flattery is currently closed awaiting the cyclone to pass. However, at this stage, it does not appear the Queensland Coal Ports will be affected though there is the possibility of heavy rainfall once the cyclone dissipates.

For further details and information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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