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Home Associations NAMEPA EIM Seminar – Norfolk VA on Ship to Shore: Port waste Facilities

NAMEPA EIM Seminar – Norfolk VA on Ship to Shore: Port waste Facilities

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NAMEPA SEminar Series 4 16 April 2015NAMEPA is hosting an Environmental Intelligence in Maritime Seminar Series in Norfolk, Virginia on April 16, 2015 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM at the Half Moone Cruise & Celebration Center, One Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA. The seminar will focus on Port Waste Reception Facilities and will include speakers and discussion from regulators, industry and port interests.

“MARPOL regulations include requirements for port waste receptions facilities. These facilities are often not available, not “affordable”, or not operationally practical.” stated NAMEPA’s Executive Director, Carleen Lyden-Kluss. “We are excited to bring together industry, government, users and suppliers to discuss this ever present topic and explore strategies for compliance that work for ships and ports alike.”

Tom KiernanNAMEPA has confirmed speakers from the Port of Virginia, Maersk Line, Lloyd’s Register, Stericycle, Blank Rome, Virginia Port Authority and USCG.

NAMEPA is an independent, marine industry-led association which engages maritime businesses, government and the public to “Save our Seas” by promoting sound environmental practices. NAMEPA operates as a nongovernmental organization committed to preserving the marine environment through educating seafarers, port communities and students about the need and strategies for protecting this important global resource.

For more information about NAMEPA, please visit www.namepa.net

Media inquiries:  Carleen Lyden-Kluss executivedirector@namepa.net

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1 comment

Carol May 15, 2015 - 8:58 PM

Thanks for the informal post I learned a ton!


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