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Home HRCompany Profiles Wärtsilä Hybrid Scrubber System chosen to clean exhaust emissions from 3 new container vessels

Wärtsilä Hybrid Scrubber System chosen to clean exhaust emissions from 3 new container vessels

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 Picture from the signing ceremony; from left to right from Jinhai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, Supply Department, Ms Summer Xia, Buyer, Mr John Zhou, Vice General Manager and Mr Zheng Jianzhong, General Manager. From Wärtsilä Ms Heidi Paulsrud General Manager, Exhaust Gas Cleaning, Sales & Marketing, Ms Yuan Alisa Ren, Sales manager and Mr Peter Xu, Sales manager.

Picture from the signing ceremony; from left to right from Jinhai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, Supply Department, Ms Summer Xia, Buyer, Mr John Zhou, Vice General Manager and Mr Zheng Jianzhong, General Manager. From Wärtsilä Ms Heidi Paulsrud General Manager, Exhaust Gas Cleaning, Sales & Marketing, Ms Yuan Alisa Ren, Sales manager and Mr Peter Xu, Sales manager.

Wärtsilä has received an order for Hybrid Scrubber Systems to clean the exhaust emissions from three 2500 TEU container vessels. The installation has been ordered by a major European owner and operator and will be carried out at the Jinhai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd in China. The contract was signed in March 2015 and the systems are scheduled for delivery in December 2015.

The scrubber system, which comprises two scrubber units, will be installed to clean the exhaust from both the main and auxiliary engines. This arrangement enables great flexibility and cost savings when operating at different operational settings. In all, 28 MW of total power output will be handled by the Wärtsilä system. The system is designed to clean the sulphur oxide (SOx) and particulates from the exhaust gas.

The design incorporates a cleaning system for the scrubbing wash water. This ensures that the eventual discharge water is well within the regulatory limits. Special care has also been given in the design to allow the systems to operate for extended periods with zero discharge of the effluent scrubbing water. This is an important advantage when the vessels are operating in environmentally sensitive waters.

“The ships will be operating at times in harsh climatic conditions and Wärtsilä has considerable experience in developing scrubber systems technology for use in challenging marine environments. The system is optimised to give the necessary flexibility in relation to the ships’ operations, with special emphasis given to minimising the operational costs, ” says Sigurd Jenssen, Director, Exhaust Gas Cleaning, Wärtsilä Ship Power.

Wärtsilä will provide engineering and consulting support during the installation, while the company’s global service network will ensure ongoing technical support throughout the lifecycle of the vessels.

Wärtsilä Hybrid Scrubber Systems enable the use of either closed or open loop technology to remove SOx from the exhaust. When operating in open loop mode, exhaust gases enter the system and are sprayed with seawater. Chemicals are not required since the natural alkalinity of seawater reacts with the sulphur and cleanses it from the exhaust gas. When operating in closed loop mode, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is added to the seawater as an alkali. The hybrid approach enables operation in closed loop mode when required, for instance when entering zero discharge areas or where the seawater alkalinity is low, and elsewhere the switch can be made to open loop using only seawater.


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