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GAC 01072014Adjustment of draft restriction
July 13, 2015, United States, Mobile, Alabama

The Army Corps of Engineers has completed much of the necessary dredging on the west side of the channel in the Upper Mobile River.

They are still working on the Turning Basin and the east side of the Mobile River from the Turning Basin to the Grain Elevator.

The draft restriction is lifted and vessels that are berthing on the west side of the Upper River will be allowed to load to 40 feet.

For vessels that need to berth on the east side of the river from the Grain Elevator to the Three Mile Creek turning basin, the draft restriction remains at 38 feet.

Please check with the bar pilots as to any further restrictions prior to sailing a ship into berths in this area.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

Traffic closure as bridge works continue
July 13, 2015, Turkey, Turkish Straits

Due to continuing works on the 3. bridge (Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge), the Bosphorus will be closed to traffic from 05:00 Hrs to 12:00 hours local time on Wednesday (15 July).

For information about operations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Istanbul at turkey@gac.com

GAC Bunker Fuels Ltd Pricing Alert
Market Price Update 13/07/2015

Aberdeen 0 0 365.00 0
Aden 420.00 400.00 880.00 0
Alexandria 0 645.00 900.00 0
Antwerp 329.00 296.00 499.00 0
Aqaba 525.00 485.00 850.00 0
Bahrain 0 0 605.00 0
Bergen 0 0 562.00 0
Busan 375.00 358.00 556.00 546.00
Cape Town 395.00 0 648.00 0
Colombo 412.00 404.00 649.00 0
Dubai/Sharjah/Rak 400.00 390.00 610.00 0
Durban 376.00 0 743.00 0
Falmouth 0 362.00 647.00 0
Fujairah 340.00 320.00 720.00 0
Gibraltar 0 353.00 562.00 0
Hambantota 430.00 428.00 710.00 0
Houston 353.00 303.00 567.00 0
Istanbul 357.00 335.00 560.00 0
Jeddah 395.00 385.00 810.00 0
Kuwait 0 325.00 980.00 0
Labuan 0 0 0 0
Las Palmas 353.00 339.00 580.00 0
Malta 330.00 388.00 544.00 0
Mumbai 645.00 343.00 753.00 0
New York/New Jersey 385.00 335.00 562.00 0
Panama 363.00 323.00 598.00 0
Piraeus 375.00 355.00 548.00 0
Port Louis 0 470.00 660.00 0
Port Said 750.00 640.00 950.00 0
Qatar 0 0 750.00 0
Richards Bay 399.00 0 0 0
Rio de Janeiro 343.00 319.00 695.00 0
Rotterdam 328.00 297.00 500.00 0
Salalah 475.00 425.00 820.00 0
Santos 347.00 324.00 723.00 0
Seychelles 0 0 715.00 0
Shanghai 399.00 336.00 679.00 0
Singapore 310.00 320.00 495.00 0
St Petersburg 259.00 250.00 526.00 0
Suez 520.00 380.00 880.00 0
West Africa – Abidjan 517.00 447.00 779.00 0
West Africa – Lome 0 415.00 660.00 0
West Africa – Luanda 445.00 400.00 650.00 0

GAC is a global provider of integrated shipping, logistics and marine services dedicated to helping customers achieve their strategic goals at the highest levels of quality, safety and compliance.


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