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Home Associations Nordic Tankers on Danish Maritime Fair

Nordic Tankers on Danish Maritime Fair

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unnamed (17)Nordic Tankers has chosen to be hosting partners at the conference ”PEOPLE”, which is aseries of conferences under the generic term, Danish Shipping & Ship Management Conference (DSSMC).
The conference starts with a Safety seminar, from 10 – 12 o’clock, where Nordic Tankers & Clipper Group are hosting partners and representatives, in addition, four other Shipping companies attend with contributions. One of the contributors is Erik Carlsen, Vice president, Head of Clipper Fleet Management, Clipper Group, who in collaboration with Brian Tranholm Nielsen, Marine HR Director,   Nordic Tankers A/S, will debate security on board.

From 13:00 – 15:00, focus will be on education and further education, where representatives from a wide range of educational institutions will contribute presentations. Karsten Lundsgaard Haegg, Chief instructor Maritime from Maersk Training, will , among others, have a presentation revolving around further education

From 15:30 – 17:00, focus will be on recruiting and crew, with presentations from, among others, Stig Holm, General Manager, Thome Ship Management.
Watch Ann-Louise Grahed, Senior Project and Communication Manager at Nordic Tankers, explain her expectations of the event, in the film below.

As to the question about why Nordic Tankers specifically chose to participate in creating a forum for debating security, she explains: “Security is our top priority – our employees’ security, security of others involved in our operations, the security of our customers, security of our property and the environment. Nordic Tankers continuously work on strengthening and developing our security culture. All employees, both by land and at sea, are involved in this work. We believe that security culture is about people in the whole organisation, taking a responsibility for their actions. Our security culture goes a long way out of the ordinary security procedures in a tanker shipping company, which is usually managed by SMS (Safety Management System), and deals with the softer and less measurable aspects of security, such as behaviour, habit and culture. We look forward to share our experiences and exchange knowledge with others, working in the same industry.

Danish Shipping & Ship Management Conferences are held at The Train Workshop, as a part of Danish Maritime Fair in Copenhagen, from the 6th – 8th of October, 2015


There are still vacant seats – read more about the event and enrol at this link:

Youtube embed link: <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/pyqnISxUS-0” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

There are free entrance to both conferences and the fair – please register athttps://www.eventbuizz.com/danish-maritime-fair-2015/detail/  

You can use the voucher code press when you reach the payment area – and it will be free for you!

For more information:
Jakob le Fevre
+45 3160 4015



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