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Home MarketsChartering At 318 the BDI continues to be an attractive component for shipping investments…

At 318 the BDI continues to be an attractive component for shipping investments…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

At 318 the BDI continues to be an attractive component for shipping investments… John Faraclas’ antilog position:

With just two point up due to the BSI 12 points plus since yesterday, the BDI as the title indicates an “attractiveness” for good shipping investments, given the ultra-low prices for newbuildings and second hand five years old ones!

The Capers and Panamaxes lost eight and four points respectively standing at 189 and 346 points… the BHSI managed another three points plus standing at 203. A very low market overall!

The Wets’ last published BDTI and BCTI were standing at 788 (minus 11) and 524 (no change) respectively!

The price of oil (WTI) remains, as you read these lines, close to US$ 31 – a downwards trend with uncertainty being the major issue.The Brent close to US$ 33….

Geopolitics remain the same with too much attention given on BREXIT whilst GREXIT is still on the cards and the Migrants issue the Scam to destroy what is left from the Mighty Continent…

Iran and Saudi Arabia clash over the region, the entire Middle East and Turkey plays her last card for dominance in the region…

China trying to “come” back to the “norm” but the bubble is about to burst…

Japan too looks for a reincarnation; can the post Abe (?) period  do the trick?

Africa from North to South, East to West in turmoil; still though good for business proxy dominance.

The USA trying to reinvent its superpower role! The coming presidential election must be the make or break of the superpower. And its not the Economy stupid; it’s the energy matters!

Back to the markets and relative values: Good time to buy  and or order double eco-newbuildings and five-year old ones. There is plentiful of business, but do you have a good balance sheet and equity available, people to understand you and know the projections of the shipping markets?

For some their destiny calls and they should be prepared to face the music; the fat lady is coming on to the stage!

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