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Home Marine InsuranceHealth and Safety Taking Care of Your Yacht: Safety & Maintenance Tips

Taking Care of Your Yacht: Safety & Maintenance Tips

by admin

Sailing is an activity that can provide enormous pleasure through the mellow exploration of pristine seas amid a quaint setting at your leisure. However, the open water can also be rather unforgiving, especially towards sailors who fail to exercise the degree of care that is needed for yachting. Reckless sailing and inadequate yacht maintenance can leave you open to disastrous consequences.

This infographic from EFYC (http://www.efyc.com.au/) highlights how to observe proper care while at sea, explaining what to do in the event of your yacht being damaged, what causes yacht damage and accidents, and how to look after your yacht so that it will always be in a condition worthy of being taken out on open water.

Yacht owners have a responsibility to preserve their vessels properly and operate them at sea with safety as a priority, not just to themselves but also to any passengers and crew who may be sailing with them.

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