Year-to-date volume of crude oil received and offloaded from Floating Storage and Offloading unit UMBA deployed at Murmansk port’s offshore transshipment location has reached nearly one million tonnes, a Murmansk official saidTuesday.

“Since the storage tanker “Umba” commenced operations in January 2016 crude oil transshipment volume through the FSO has climbed to nearly one million tonnes, ” the Murmansk region Transport & Roads Minister Dmitry Sosnin said speaking at the 6th International Conference “Logistics in the Arctic”.
The VLCC UMBA (DWT 300, 000 mt) converted into a FSO unit for operation in adverse weather conditions was moored at Murmansk offshore anchorage for receiving, storage and export of Arctic crude oil from Gazprom Neft’s Novoportovskoye gas condensate field and Prirazlomnaya field as well as for bunkering shuttle / crude oil carriers. The storage tanker can offload along both sides simultaneously to two shuttle tankers. The offshore transshipment complex (registered as RPK Nord) operator also provides a complete package of services for border control formalities and customs clearance.