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Hot Port News from GAC

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Implementation of the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) (Amendment) Regulation 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016, Hong Kong
The latest requirements of the MARPOL Annex I for the prevention of oil pollution, will come into operation on 1 October 2016. The details of the amendment regulation can be found in the following website: http://www.gld.gov.hk/egazette/pdf/20162016/es22016201647.pdf.According to the amendment regulation, oil residue (sludge) tank for machinery space shall be provided with a designated pump for disposal of the oil residue (sludge) and the tank shall have no discharge connections to the bilge system, oily bilge water holding tank, tank top or oily water separators.According to the amendment regulation, oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above engaged in the transfer of oil cargo at sea must have an approved Ship to Ship (STS) Operation Plan. Annex 1 of this Notice provides guidance to local oil tanker owners and operators for the preparation of an STS Operation Plan. For reference purpose, a sample of STS Operation Plan is attached at Annex 2 of this Notice.

All oil tankers are required to fit with a stability instrument comprises hardware and software which is capable of verifying compliance with the intact and damage stability requirements in any operational condition. Annex 3 of this Notice provides the details of the requirement and the waiving conditions for the installation of a stability instrument. Ship owners who would like to apply for waiving of the stability instrument for their ships may submit an application (application form at Annex 4 of this Notice) to the Local Vessels Safety Section.

Shipowners, operators and coxswains of local oil tankers are required to observe and comply with the amendment regulation. For enquiries, please contact Local Vessels Safety Section by telephone no. 2852 4444 or e-mail (lvs1@mardep.gov.hk or lvs2@mardep.gov.hk).

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.101 of 2016

Operations resume at oil terminal
Wednesday, August 3, 2016, Ash Shihr, Yemen
The Ash Shihr Oil Terminal started operations yesterday (2 August) after being closed in March 2015 due to hostilities in Yemen, with the arrival of an oil tanker under the GAC Yemen agency to load a shipment of Masila Crude.Other Yemeni ports are open and operational, with the exceptions of Ras Isa Marine Terminal and Balhaf LNG terminal, which remain closed.For information about operations in Yemen contact GAC Yemen at yemen@gac.com

Establishment of silt curtain at Mui Wo, Lantau Island
Wednesday, August 3, 2016, Hong Kong
For approximately 4 months, a silt curtain will be established along a line joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (E):
(A) 22 deg. 15.997’N / 113 deg. 59.905’E
(B) 22 deg. 16.003’N / 113 deg. 59.902’E
(C) 22 deg. 16.012’N / 113 deg. 59.930’E
(D) 22 deg. 15.979’N / 114 deg. 00.030’E
(E) 22 deg. 15.972’N / 114 deg. 00.027’EThe silt curtain will extend vertically from the sea surface to the seabed. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid along the surface of the silt curtain to mark the extent of the silt curtain.Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.103 of 2016 dated 2 August 2016

Flights halted at airport after emergency landing
Wednesday, August 3, 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
No take-offs or landings of aircraft are being made at Dubai International Airport following an incident this afternoon (3 August) in which a flight from India made an emergency landing. There were no fatalities among passengers or crew of the flight.The stoppage of flights to and from the airport is expected to continue until 200 hours local time.GAC Dubai advises that any vessels with crew arrival/departure through Dubai under GAC’s agency should contact the following for updates:

GAC Dubai:
+971 4 8059 363 / +971 4 8059 375

GAC Fujairah:
+971 9 2013 501 / +971 9 2013 501

email: shipping.dubai@gac.com

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