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Home MarketsDry Bulkcarriers The Markets and Geopolitics: a penny for your thoughts…

The Markets and Geopolitics: a penny for your thoughts…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

A diving BDI at 934 and Geopolitical chaos rules the day; John Faraclas’ daily market briefing:

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fall of seven points “marred” the otherwise good news of Baltic Exchange’s sale to SGX following the Results of voting at Court Meeting and General Meeting.

The volatile Capers did it again with the BCI 2014 losing 58 points and now it reads 2,325 points.

The Panamaxes’ BPI gained 17 points and now stands at 739 points.

Minimal “gains” for the Supras and Handies; 673 (plus two) for the BSI and 422 (plus one) for the BHSI.

C A U T I O N  as China cannot, as things stand, to “raise” the figures and conversely the World’s Trade; add all the other issues which bother us on Planet Ocean vis-à-vis trade and transport and see what you get…

The Wets now and the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 611 (plus five) and 378 (minus two) respectively.

The price of WTI at US$ 45.36 at 17:25 BST, is both a positive as well as a negative development; its results will be soon enfold…

The Geopolitics* are causing tremors not only as a result of the Syrian saga, but as a result of all these moron politics our politicians all over Planet Ocean are creating; beware the backfire. Watch though closely the BREXIT developments!

Have a nice evening!

*Unless something spectacular happens, as of now there will be only a full Geopolitics report every Friday with the Weekly Markets Recap.

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