John Faraclas
The BDI was down earlier on today sending shivering messages and Geopolitics are now an accident waiting to happen: John Faraclas daily assessment:
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell just two points since last Friday the 2 Dec 2016 at 1,196, thanks to the Capers’ BCI 2014 losses of 56 points and the Panamaxes’ BPI 33 plus points… The respective indices now read 2,137 and 1,541 points…
The Supras though and the Handies gained eight and five points respectively with the BSI and BHSI now standing at 929 and 548 points…
Gains and losses for the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) were at 889 – plus 11 and 434 minus two respectively.
The WTI stood above the US$ 51 mark… Caution here should be observed; the masses might have the last word… and the ASE (Alternative Sources of Energy) might push harder due to available finance…
Listed and non-listed companies suffer and it remains to be seen how many will go safely ahead and awaiting to hear the big bang of bankruptcies!
The Container trade might go even worse!
In the Geopolitical front, the MIGRANTS is still top of the list.
The Wars in Syria continue and let’s see when the total destruction there will be effected!
Turkey continues to behave like a pariah state… Shame! Pestering and or trying to bully your neighbours will backfire soon…
In neighbouring Greece the situ will be more than a melodrama. For a start, Paul Kazarian of Japonica says that the level of the famously infamous Greek debt is a con, a big lie; the lie of the century. Having listen to his speech at Lloyd’s during the recent BHCC annual event (14 NOV.2016), I provoke the respective Greek ministers to give here and now a written counter reply! So is it 71 (seventyone) centum of 177 (onehundredandseventyseven) of Greece’s GDP?
In Italy the Referendum results sends tremors everywhere. They tell me that Europe might cease to exists in 2025, even earlier… We shall see…
The right lost its chance in Austria’s presidential elections…
BREXIT gets legally serious but the will of the people should prevail. Again, just to stir you up: for whom the bells tool? As things can be impartially seen, it is mainland Europe having the problem in case finally the United Kingdom leaves!
At the other side of the Atlantic former US vice president Al Gore holds talks with president –elect Donald Trump on Climate…
In Brazil the head of the senate has been ordered to resign! Is Renan Calheiros in trouble?
The Macedonian Society’s Annual Dinner and Ball last Saturday in London was more than a success!

Dr. Frank Lawrence Wiswal Jr receiving the International Maritime Prize from IMO’s Secretary-General Kitack Lim
What a night that was last Friday in Athens during the Lloyd’s List Awards there? All attendance records broken; the message is simple: the Greeks don’t give up in shipping, they will never do and will continue their success…
Another interesting event in London this time: The presentation of the International Maritime Prize tonight at the IMO to Dr. Frank Lawrence Wiswall Jr was more than an important event!
Many Christmas parties and receptions have already begun in London’s Square Mile and down town Akti Miaouli in Piraeus; a few also take place in New York…
Have a nice evening and be on guard!