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Dampier & Port Hedland, Australia
Ports prepare for tropical low
Tuesday, December 20, 2016, Dampier & Port Hedland, Australia
A significant tropical low weather system has developed off the North West coast of Western Australia, and is likely to develop further over the coming days. It is expected to be slow moving before tracking to the east mid-week then may take a south easterly track towards the end of the week.The weather front is expected to affect the ports of Dampier and Port Hedland.DAMPIER
The port remains open. However, vessel loading has been suspended at all Parker Point Berths due to swell caused by a tropical low well to the north of Dampier. All vessels have sailed from Parker Point to anchorages. At this stage it looks unlikely that there will be any berthing of vessels at Parker Point for at least 48 hours. EII is still operational but conditions there will be closely monitored.

Port Walcott Cape Lambert will be clearing all berths due to adverse swell conditions.

For the latest weather updates for the area, go to http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/forecasts/nwcyclone.shtml

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

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