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Hot Port News from GAC

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New online function (change of agency) in Marinet
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, Singapore
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will be introducing an online function for the Change of Agency on the Marinet platform with effect from 3 January 2017.Under Regulation 4 of MPA Port Regulations, an owner or agent of a vessel shall inform the Authority, whether by himself or through any agent, immediately of any change of ownership or agency, as the case may be, that occurs while the vessel is in the port.The owner or agent will be able to take-over the agency of a vessel that is in port by submitting an application for a Change of Agency via Marinet:

Step: Go to Marinet
Action: Log-on using your company log-on ID/Singpass

Step: Select type of Transaction
Action: E-declaration

Step: Select type of Function
Action: Submission of Change of Agency

Step: Enter details of taking over agency
Action: Key in date and time of take-over
(Important Note: The effective date and time of the new agent should be within 24 hours from current date and time; and within seven days prior to the current date if port dues has not been billed to the existing agent.

Step: Attach/upload confirmation letter from handing over agent
Step: Click submit and confirm button
Action: Application will be submitted for MPA’s approval. An email confirmation will be sent to both agents.

(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com)

Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Circular No.17 of 2016 dated 20 December 2016

Tropical Low O7U update (21 December)
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, Dampier, Australia
The tropical low system in the Indian Ocean has shown some signs of development over the last 12 hours but the system is still classified below tropical cyclone intensity.Gale force winds exist only in the western quadrants, and do not extend completely around the system centre. The low is forecast to intensify and reach tropical cyclone intensity later today (21 December) or at the latest during Thursday 22 December.The system has been slow moving recently, and variable in direction. It is forecast to take a more south-eastward track from late Thursday or Friday.

The Port of Dampier is currently at Cyclone stage 1 – Monitor, which involves monitoring the weather system and assessing its likely path and potential impact on the port.

The Harbour Master has directed vessel masters to ensure:

  • Vessel’s engines and machinery are fully operational
  • Vessel’s stability, trim, and propeller immersion are appropriate
  • Vessel’s manning, stores and bunkers are adequate
  • Preparations are made in accordance with their respective cyclone response plan

Terminal/berth operators have been instructed to ensure:

  • The latest cyclone forecasts are taken into account if planning operations over the coming days
  • The response plan accounts for time required for vessel’s to clear the port and the approaching tropical system safely.
  • The wharf areas are inspected for and cleared off / secured for any items that may have the potential to fall into the berth pockets or adjacent areas during periods of strong winds

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Port operations suspended
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia
Berthing and un-berthing operations at the port of Al Jubail were suspended from 2200 hours local time yesterday (20 December) due to strong winds and bad weather.The adverse conditions are prevailing at Al Jubail with a reported wind speed about 30 knots.For information about operations at Al Jubail contact GAC Saudi Arabia at jubail@gac.com

Vessel grounded after engine failure
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, Bosphorus, Turkey
A 189-metre bulk carrier ran aground around the Yenikoy area of the Bosphorus, after suffering engine failure this morning (21 December).At the time of reporting, coastal safety tugs had been dispatched to assist. The vessel had no pilot on board and was fully laden.As the vessel’s current position was not affecting the traffic,  Bosphorus transits resumed at 09.45 hours.

For information about operations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Turkey at turkey@gac.com

Replacement of access bridge to mooring dolphin
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, Hong Kong
For approximately 3 months, replacement works for an access bridge to mooring dolphin at the Castle Peak Power Station Jetty will be carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS84 Datum) from (A) to (F) and the adjacent jetty:
(A) 22 deg. 22.177’N / 113 deg. 55.129’E
(B) 22 deg. 22.189’N / 113 deg. 55.148’E
(C) 22 deg. 22.152’N / 113 deg. 55.197’E
(D) 22 deg. 22.126’N / 113 deg. 55.147’E
(E) 22 deg. 22.157’N / 113 deg. 55.098’E
(F) 22 deg. 22.168’N / 113 deg. 55.119’EThe works will be carried out by one derrick barge. One work boat will provide assistance.A working area of approximately 50 metres around the derrick barge will be established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the derrick barge.

The hours of work will be from 0800 hours to 1800 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works will not stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.168 of 2016

Tropical Low now Tropical Cyclone Yvette
Wednesday, December 21, 2016, NW coast of Western Australia
The tropical low weather system 07U has now intensified into the Tropical Cyclone Yvette (Cat 1) and thelow pressure continues to intensify off the North West coast of Western Australia.The system is currently stationary, but is forecast to take a more south-eastward track from Friday, 23 December.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

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