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Home HREvents, Conferences,Forums and Symposiums Heads in the sand on fintech: Daily Wealth Letter

Heads in the sand on fintech: Daily Wealth Letter

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Richard Moir, The Wealth Forums CEO

Daily Wealth Letter

a daily synopsis of the wealth news that’s most relevant, timely and dependable

Compiled and edited by Ian Brodie of The Wealth Forums (www.thewealthforums.com)

Monaco Wealth Forum,
March 15, Cafe de Paris, Monte-Carlo

(visit www.thewealthforums.com for details)


Heads in the sand on fintech

PwC’s annual CEO survey shows asset and wealth managers (AWM) do not appear to be taking the technological threat seriously.  READ MORE: http://thewealthforums.com/2017/02/20/heads-sands-fintech/

Henri Fissore to open Wealth Forum

The Wealth Forums are honoured to announce that His Excellency Henri Fissore has accepted our invitation to open the third Monaco Wealth Forum at the Salon Bellevue, Cafe de Paris, on March 15READ MORE: http://thewealthforums.com/2017/02/20/henri-fissor-open-wealth-forum/

Shadow banking in China

Chinese banks had more than 26 trillion yuan ($3.8 trillion) of wealth-management products held off their balance sheets at the end of December, a 30 percent increase from a year earlier, according to the central bank.  READ MORE: http://thewealthforums.com/2017/02/20/shadow-banking-china/

Sign up for the Monaco Wealth Forum

The cost of attending the Monaco Wealth Forum is €300, including lunch at the Cafe de Paris, champagne reception and after-event dinner at the Pacific Restaurant in Monte-Carlo. To register for the event, please email Ian Brodie, at ian@thewealthforums.com

The Wealth Letter is published every business day by The Wealth Forums: www.thewealthforums.com

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