Ahead of Convention coming into force – the 8th International Conference on Ballast Water Management
Since 2001, the international maritime community has met in Singapore to discuss and monitor the administrative and technological developments in ballast water management under the auspices of the International Conference on Ballast Water Management (ICBWM).
Over the years the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has addressed a variety of concerns that both ship owners and member States have raised regarding effective implementation of the BWM Convention. In November 2014, the 7th ICBWM aimed to address the uncertainties, challenges and experience with type-approval of ballast water management systems. Without a doubt, the 8th ICBWM will be the most significant conference to date, focusing on discussions around implementation of the Convention just before it comes into force on 8 September 2017. The conference is part of the 12th Singapore Maritime Week, taking place from 22 – 28 April 2017.
“After having organized ICBWM in 2010, 2012 and 2014, we are delighted to continue our support for this conference which is instrumental in helping the industry and the governments to prepare and implement the Convention. Because we are heavily involved in the testing of treatment systems for type approval, and offering services for the Vessel General Permit as well as compliance monitoring, we have an important stake in the success of the BWM convention. We believe that this conference will continue to provide an ideal venue for all of the stakeholders to share experiences and discuss in depth the challenges of these key regulations.” Stéphanie Groen, Managing Director, DHI Singapore.
The conference will feature keynote speeches from IMO Secretary-General, Mr Koji Sekimizu and IMO Deputy Director, Dr Jose Matheickal. The topics covered will include:
Session 1: Entry into force of the Convention – celebrations and challenges
Session 2: The regulatory landscape – key issues
Session 3: Implementation – What key stakeholders are doing to prepare
Session 4: Compliance – Advances in treatment systems, monitoring technologies and sampling
“With the BWM Convention coming into force in September this year, it is timely for the shipping industry and relevant stakeholders to be updated on the latest developments at IMO and stay abreast of the technical advancement made in the type-approval of ballast water management systems. This is a good opportunity for the maritime community to share their knowledge and experiences ahead of the entry into force of the Convention to facilitate effective implementation. Having this conference within the Singapore Maritime Week highlights Singapore’s continual commitment to the success of the Convention.” Tan Suan Jow, Director, Shipping Division,
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.
Among other things, stakeholders will gather to discuss the latest developments at the IMO and by the US Coast Guard with particular attention to be paid to the revised Guidelines for the approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (G8), challenges facing port State control with regards to compliance and the timeline for installation of BWM systems.
“We are delighted to be able to drive the discussion around this hugely important topic which will have an impact on so many in the industry”, David Kelly, Director for Asia Pacific, IMarEST.
Find out more and register here.