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Home Markets He Has Risen, but not the …BDI…

He Has Risen, but not the …BDI…

by admin

John N. Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) closed down two points since last Thursday the 13th of April at 1,294 proving that there isn’t much steam to raise the dry markets and lead to the mana from heavens…. err to the 2,200 point-mark – the level as of the end of December 2013 which might trigger the way to the 4,000 points. The Geopolitical tsunamis are on the way; John Faraclas’ daily recap:

The Capers’ BCI 2014 lost 29 points and now stands at 2,220 – Caution or else…

The Panamaxes saved the day with ten oints plus – now reading 1,621…

The Supras’ BSI was down one at 898 and the

BHSI’s Handies was up three points at 563…

Container-shipping runs slow on consolidation and it remains to be seen what next in this crucial sector; we urge for caution.

A very nervous dry market.-

The Wets were on an upwards mode; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 800 – that’s plus ten and 645 – that’s plus six respectively.

The price of the WTI stood at US$52.36, on a dropping mode – thank God!

On the Geopolitical front the situ as expected got worse !

The MIGRANTS retained its no. one position with many trying to enter the EU and others drown off the coasts of Libya. Pitty!

The Wars in Syria and Iraq continue – still a very perplexed situation which will for sure deteriorate further.

The Turkish Referendums’ result, as expected from this column, was a very close one and it remains to be seen what next. For sure we are soon going to see developments there. Be on guard!

Next door Greece continues to be in dire straits.

Elsewhere now; things are getting sour in all fronts.

In the UK a snap election is being called for the 8th of June…  Mrs. May might end up with a huge, an overwhelming majority which will enable her having the upper hand during the BREXIT process…

In France and Germany the countdown for the presidential elections are underway.

In the USA president Trump and his advisors are ready to give an end to North Korea’s despicable behaviour; watch it! In the meantime he has signed an executive order to review a temporary visa programme used to place foreign workers in high-skilled US jobs.

That’s all for now and be on guard for every eventuality.

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