The Oinoussai Benevolent Fund, (Tameion Efpragias Oinousson/TEO), was set up by Oinoussians living in London in 1942 to help those compatriots on the island who were suffering from war time difficulties. Today, the Fund provides vital assistance and support to those in need as well as supporting various projects which preserve Oinoussai’s identity and contemporize its heritage and culture. In the recent years of economic difficulties the Fund has dealt with issues of poverty, neglect and vulnerability for the inhabitants who have suffered from these predicaments. This year, the Fund celebrates 75 years of existence.
On Saturday 18th November 2017, as the early evening chill descended on the river Thames, 500 guests from England, Greece and Europe made their way towards the historic Tower of London whose battlements were adorned with the OBF logo and entered the Pavilion, a giant marquee located on the former moat of the Tower. The bohemian décor and ambiance complimented the views of the Tower as the guests sipped their welcome drinks and greeted old and new friends with excited anticipation of the ballroom whose doors were promptly opened at 7.15 pm.
Having been called by the toastmaster to proceed to the main room for dinner, the guests walked into the ballroom. It was spectacular. Fifty tables adorned with candelabras and special gifts enticed the guests to their seats while above them a blanket of sparkling stars enveloped the ceiling.

George Th. Lemos OBF Vice-President, introducing the premiere screening of a short documentary film that had been commissioned especially for this event: “Oinousses”
Several dignitaries graced the event with their presence: HE Ambassador of Greece, Archbishop Gregorios of Great Britain & Thyateira, The Bishop of Chios, Oinousses & Psara Markos, Secretary General Emeritus of IMO Mr Efthimios Mitropoulos, The MP for Chios Νοtis Mitarakis, The Maritime Attache in London and former head of the Oinoussai Naval Academy Captain George Skandalis, The President of the ‘Friends of Oinoussai’, The Mayor of Oinousses, to name but a few.
The President of the Fund, Mr John M. Hadjipateras, spoke warmly and movingly in English as he welcomed everyone to this milestone event relating a story of how there is a link between the Tower of London and Oinousses! He thanked everyone for their continued support and friendship and encouraged the younger generation to get involved in propelling the Fund forward in future years.

On the line…. enjoying masthia with Lomar’s George Dimitriou, LISCR’s Kostas Ladas, Lyras Maritime Takis Markatos, DNV GL’s Piraeus George Teriakidis, “K” Line’s Costas Stavropoulos, DNV GL’s London Kostas Pappadakis and Lomar’s Stylianos Papageorgiou
This speech was followed by a few well -chosen and beautifully spoken words from HE Ambassador of Greece, Mr Caramitsos-Tsiras who praised OBF for their longevity and continued worthwhile efforts. This was followed by the presentation of a Golden Raffle ticket prize which was drawn by Mrs Caramitsos-Tsiras.
Grace was given by Archbishop Gregorios of Great Britain and Thyateira.

l to r: Mr John M.Hadjipateras with Metropoilitan Markos of Chios and the Daniels – picture by Katerina Kalogeraki
After the sumptuous dinner of salmon, braised beef and toffee pudding had been appreciatively consumed, Mr George T. Lemos, OBF Vice-President, introduced the premiere screening of a short documentary film that had been commissioned especially for this event. “Oinousses”, a film in Greek with English subtitles, captivated the audience as they witnessed a brief but intimate look at life on the island as related by the inhabitants themselves. The film was roundly applauded during the end credits. The guests were then offered for their delectation, ‘The Oinoussian Delicacy’, a rose petal spoon sweet as seen in the film.

l to r: The Metropolitan of Chios Markos, Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain with John M. Hadjipatears
The raffles were now ready to be drawn. Nineteen impressive prizes were on offer and Mr George T. Lemos conducted the draw with his usual flair and efficiency. This was followed by the now traditional serving of ‘masticha liqueur shots’ and an invitation to proceed to the dance floor to enjoy the music of our long-time resident DJ Avgoustinos Galiassos who mixed the latest songs and traditional Greek music much to the delight of all who were dancing. There was also a photo booth that proved to be very popular by young and old alike.

l to r: Bureau Veritas’ Paillette Paleologou, her husband Demirtis Kondylis from Star Bulk, Anny Zade, John Faraclas and Chartwell’s Helen Blioka
The evening began to draw to its inevitable conclusion at midnight. The guests were standing around their tables, surveying the room, almost reluctant to leave. When they made their way out, they were carrying the souvenir programmes and their going away gifts of OBF logo embossed candles and power banks. The night had ended and five hundred guests strolled along the path of the Tower of London gazing back at this iconic venue with quiet satisfaction and a night to remember.
Most morbid greetings from 1300’s Elite Admiral and Emperor of the Royal Hellenic Navy Dimitrios. But Joyfull Greetings full of Devine Joy. May the Lord grant you many years of Devine tears of joy. Constant daily Tears of joy is the best human condition in existance. Achieved by growing and being repentative , and only repeatedly repenting. Tears of repentance come first.and maintaining a growing repentative state. Only eternally existing to be repentative only repeatedly repenting. And shedding constant daily Devine tears of joy, coming and being closer to the Holy Eternal Spirit. And always genuinely making him smile, as the man with no guile made Jesus smile. Holy Eternity himself. Holy Royal Eternal Mysterious Father and teacher the Lord. May you learn to experience daily tears of joy by learning to make Jesus genuily smile daily. His Spirit will touch your soul after making your True Holy Father genuily smile. And you will shed tears of joy. Priceless constant tears of joy. I am of Oinousiotis origin, have severe problems right now . But would one day like to or would of liked to show my Elite Admirals stlye to some Oinousys Sailors and Captains modern times. Dimitrios Dourmas 416-704-0312. Please feel free to contact. Oh no. My mom couldn’t do the math 7+14 there. She suffered severely in life from jealous people, when she should have also made captain easily then elite admiral easily. Royal Noble was she.
God is the Lord and always reveals himself to us, in Spirit. Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord. And the Lord’s Name, is Holy. And Holy is his Name to be made, on Earth as it is in heaven. A message from the Unknown Canadian Soldiers Realm, and memorial. Who have martyed for righteousness sake, and by doing so thus, learning, the Laws of God, and how to number the commandments of Jesus Christ, second person of the Lord Holy Trinity with “numerals” before them one by one. For the commandments of Jesus Christ , and equally as well as the commandments of the Holy Spirit, the Proceeded Son of the Father, and not the Begotten Son of the Father who is Jesus Christ, in the New Testament are numbered with numerals before them. And the Holy Spirit the third person of the Lord refers to the Father as , “Father,” and refers to Jesus Christ as, “Brother,” as the Father refers to the Holy Spirit as ” Son, (Proceeded Son), and as also the Father refers to Jesus Christ as “Son,” ( Begotten Son), And Jesus Christ refers to the Holy Spirit as , my “Proceeded Brother of the Father” and the Holy Spirit refers to Jesus Christ as my ” Begotten Brother of the Father.” And as God aslo revealed himself to us as an animal, the Dove. Teaching us to put on and wear extreme humility, and to communicate with extreme humilty. The theology and importance of God coming to us also as an animal, the dove is missing from the Holy Orthodox church once again. For the negative once again reigns here on Earth, and all is fake in the world. For once again the snake has entered the scriptures and Pontius Pilate did not recognize Jesus Christ as, also the son of King David, Hebrew Royalty in high standing none the less, King of the Jews , and Pontius Pilate also did not recognize the Virgin Mary as daughter of King David, Hebrew Royalty in high standing , and Queen of the Jews, none the less, according to the scriptures. ……..O come let us now ,bow down, and worship the Holy Trinity our Lord, King and God. Beseeching our Lord to once again trample satan for us. The Holy Trinity wins. The Holy Trinity trampled and tramples satan. The Father , and Holy Spirit were crucified in Spirit along with Jesus Christ at the crusifiction of the Holy Trinity. Holy Communion is only and only in the Name of the Father, Son , and Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity wins. Only the Holy Trinity is Lord. Holy Trinity winner of the people , please save your people and bless your inheritance. And please trample satan once again. Holy Niko-laos, win your people. God is the winner of the people, therefore God is Niko-Laos. Lord please deliver us from this hurricane of terrorism. Let us see, hear , speak, and learn to read, with the eyes, ears , and mouth of our hearts and souls ,the Holy Living Bible which is God himself. Hail “Evangeli the Living Evangelios himself,” Hail Holy Lord Evangeli,” please evangelize these days, and the secrets of your wisdom you will reveal to us. Along side the most Venerable John McRae passing the torch to future generations. Poppey’s to be planted most plentifully all over Canada to help us correct our forgetfull sinfully disrespectful, disgusting, human nature. History repeats itself because civilization quickly forgets. Rememberance and the word Remember to be branded in our hearts and souls as one of the key words to be rigourasly practiced as a way of life, along with the word “please.” Only God is Sinless therefore only God is capable of truly being Orthodox. Hail the Triune Orthodox Spirit. Hail the Spirit of the Righteous. We are the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church that follows the Triune Orthodox Lord. In so far as we can comprehend. Amin. arch angel Micheal continues to grow, only by repeatedly repenting. And arch angel Micheal will only continue to, grow, ascend and not desend, only, and only by , repeatedly repenting. For arch angel Micheal himself can eternally never be perfect as the Lord is Orthodoxily perfect. And arch angel Micheal knowing to repeatedly repent in order to continue to grow , and ascend, in grace, and not desend. Eternally growing only by repeatedly repenting. In so far as we can comprehend. Holy , Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, have mercy on me a sinner. Prayer rope, prayer, ascension. Jesus Christ, second person of the Lord Holy Trinity, please hear me. As we prepare your throne here on Earth once again, which is the Holy Cherubim angel itself, but here on earth, you commanded us to do as in heaven. In so far as we are able. Please enlighten us and teach us, if it is proper and righteous, to carve all Holy Church thrones here on Earth , into wooden Holy Cherubim angels, with six wings and six heads. And leave them empty at all times in the churches, for only you to sit at the head seats of our churches. Cammandment of Jesus Christ, second person of the Lord Holy Trinity teaching us to leave all head seats empty at all times. And also in all churches and church dining areas. For only the Lord to sit in them. As well as , all head seats to remain empty at all times,in the first churches which are Christian’s homes,which is the corner stone Jesus Christ built for us, to stop hell from prevailing, for only the Lord to be invited to sit at the head seats of our homes. And the Lord sits at the head seat. Those who have ears, let them hear,says the Lord. And the darkness did not comprehend the light. And pride did not comprehend humility. Hail Holy Triune Spirit. Hail Holy Triune Father. Hail Holy Triune King. Hail Holy Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit the Lord. “Once” and in the “Name” and not in the “Name’s” of the Lord. Once as St.Patrick taught us with the “three leaf clover,” Holy is the Lord , “once,” and not ” Holy Lord, Holy Lord , Holy Lord , is our God. But Holy is our Triune Father. Lord is our Father , as Holy is our Father. Lord, Lord, Lord, is not our Father , but Lord is our Father. Holy, Holy , Holy , is not our Father, but , Holy is our Father, and Lord is our Triune Father. And the Holy Trinity is our Father. Jesus Christ is the second person of our Father. And Present is the Lord in front of us always, who also walks threw hades, at will , and remains untouched ,spotless and Holy. With the icon of St. Patrick with the three leaf clover to unconfuse us. Hail Holy Triune Orthodox Spirit the Only Sinless Spirit. As St. Markella tried to teach us, before her criminally affiliated Father chopped off her head. For criminals have taken over the churches to control us and confuse us. Unconfusing the Holy Scriptures and Holy Church services, once again , over and over, century over century is our Lord unconfusing us. And credit is only given to the Lord. Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing , a commandment of the Lord numbered with a numeral before it. Turn yourself into the court system on your own accord , confess all the crimes you committed and make amends, with the judge even for something smallest crime like stealing a chocolate bar. Accept punishment and make amends from your own accord. And only, and only,then go to church and receive Holy Communion. Coming into agreement with the Righteous Spirit, and there is only a few good people on the planet at a time, who would do this. For the law is the nobilist one of them all, and the law governs. And we believe IN the law, we do not just merely believe the law as criminals and demons only just merely believe the law. But we believe IN the law. And the law governs. Honesty the best teacher of all , as in all sciences. Honest observations , and honest scientific work is the master teacher. Confessing the Law, by the Word, and the Word is Holy, as the law and the Maple Leaf Flag is sacred. And to be upheld sacred , from generation to generation. Always professing the truth, along side the Unknown Canadian Soldiers, saints, and People’s realm, and alongside the Venerable John McRae. With Flander’s fields in my heart now and forever more. A humble and broken heart God will not dispuise . Truly indeed, Christ IS risen. Truly indeed , Christ IS always risen!. Let us from hence forth speak and pray directly to the Holy Spirit as “Present” in church from now on. The Holy Spirit is Invisably Visable and Present in church at all times, and especially in church services. We see, hear,and speak to the Holy Spirit with the eyes,ears, and mouths of our hearts and souls. And the Holy Spirit manifests and becomes very real and Present to the eyes of the beholder. Conducting all church services to act, teach laymen by acts in church,, speak, pray , and chant , only , and only, directly to the Holy Spirit as Present in church, from now on. The priest totally taking the attention off of himself and using the back, top, sides, and side entrances of the churches and alters from now on , as in the ancient times. And as the saints instructed us how to conduct church. The priest now ,giving the real blessing. Blessed is YOUR kingdom , Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now and forever and untto the ages of ages. Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!. Only the Lord gives the blessing. Aminnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!And Present is the Lord , right in front of our faces. Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!! Beseeching YOU Holy Lord , Triune Orthodox Spirit and Father , please give the blessing and have mercy upon us. Aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!
Revealing the truth to the theological term. — wrong is—- Jesus Christ came to save the sinners. —correct is—- Jesus Christ came to save the “victims “”of the sinners. Revealing , concealed word, “victims”. All Orthodox church sacraments of confessions and confessionals in every church upon the planet. To begin practicing the real way of the sacrament of confession. Which is to work at a professional level, side by side with court systems of everykind. And begin practicing ” making amends.” A legal sign to be posted in all the churches. All laymen when confessing sins to the priest, if they violated any laws even the smallest laws, like stealing a chocolate bar. Must after confessing to the priest turn themselves into the criminal courts. Speak the truth to the judge. And accept and serve punishment. Stating to the judge, I am a Christian and must learn to turn myself into the court system if breaking even the smallest laws, always on my own accord from now on. And acccept punishment. And only, and only then, after serving my punishment, can I go to church and receive Holy Communion. Whith minor exceptions to this rule, due to other circumstances. And let it be well known in all criminal court systems from now on. With the intersessions of, Lot a holy man of God, who was with the Spirit of the Righteous at Sodom and Gamora. Which is the Holy Triune Orthodox Spirit, the Only Sinless Spirit. And the Spirit of the Righteous, our Lord, King, and Father, who communicates this way. Revealing mister meener crimes compound regularily and chronically into an estimated , one year jail sentence for each separate mister meener crime. Accumulating to a pattern of mister meener crimes , which would amount to ” no remorse,” people are faking and pretending to be innocent of sins, and all mister meener crimes would then amount to a very long prison sentence. Laymen are using the confessionals to cheat their way out of a criminal record, jail time, the church ccinfessionals as a disguise of innocence and an excuse to continue commiting mister meener crimes , and disguising mister meener crimes as innocent and not a threat. Revealing that, once all Orthodox and Catholic church confessionals will begin practising confessions professionaly together with the criminal court systems, and this applies to a high enough percentage of church laymen. And only then after confessing to the judge at criminal court , for even the smallest crimes, commited. Will the laymen be permitted to receive Holy Communion. For the smallest sins accumulate into the biggest sins and threats to all of humanity. For the smallest demons are the worst demons. For the smallest malfunctions on a ship, are the biggest threat to the ship, and will most definitely sink the ship. For the smallest crimes accumulate into the worst socialy accepted criminal habits and patterns, wich will influence all people and then trigger and fuel the largest crimes sociopsycocontagiously, contaminating persona habits into a social disease spreading and growing, accepting accumulations of compounded mister meener crimes as innocent and and a way of life. Patterns, behaviours,routines and habits, that influence all people contagiously, in all sociates. A pattern of blind spots , blind siding all people contagiously. Revealing that organized crime dictators use the church as a shield and disguise of innocence to conduct organized crime activity, and confuse and control a mass number of people. And it would be very well known by all court systems in the world that most Christian’s , on a high percentage will always turn themselves in to the court system, on their own accord, confess the truth to the judge and accept punishment. And only then will they be permitted to receive Holy Communion, by the Law of their very own religion. Because it is their religious belief. The same principal applies to all world religions which will help prove beyond a reasonable doubt in Higher Courts of Laws. That all world religions do not practise honesty, atonement and amend making, professionaly with the criminal court systems of every country. But conceal crimes from court systems instead. This applies especially to Russia and all the Russian church confessional habits and practises. Correcting the theological term to — Jesus Christ came to save the VICTIMS of the sinners. Identifying dictators and dictatorship personality types that sneakily became organized criminals that use innocence as a shield and disguise right under out noses . Let us therefore learn to speak the language of victims of all types crimes sympathologically, victims of sinners living and dead . And commemerate them regularily in all our church prayers, church confessionals— revealing concealed, victims of sinners, e.g..did not serve jail time for physically and psycologically assaulting his wife many times, but confessed and promised he wouldnt do it again. And then recieved Holy Communion. And a mega amount of similar e.g.s regularily.,this example is only a micro one. Priests deciding criminal matters on a high enough percentage, regularily chronilogicaly in confessions of all types. Is now exposed. The priest is not a court judge. With the intersessions and teachings by example of the acts of St. Dimitrios a humble great martyr, guardian and helper of the innocent, victims of sinners, and the volnerable. Let us learn to speak the language of the victims of sinners now revealed in our Holy churches and church confessionals, standing fast presently remembering them, and chronilogicaly , sympathologically. For now and all the future, and always from now on, let us rigourasly remember them , memorializing them, refuneralizing and sanctifying thier desicrated, and lied about memories of the dead victims of sinners and crime. The victims of sinners who cheated the court system, and then let us try to redeem the living victims of sinners and also the dead victims of sinners. By correcting the theological term to, Jesus Christ came to save the victims OF the sinners. Aaaaaaammmmeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!! ——- Major International catastrophy revealed. World towards turn- ahead. Towards turns . Towards turns. Kata-Strophies. Kata-Strophes. Towards Turns . Ice burgs ahead.
By the word of the Righteous Spirit. The Canadian government would have to and should be sentenced by a higher court juristion to fulfill one thousand years community service. With intense and much more rigouras actions of community services, to help, serve, and highly educate in nobilty first, and then , practicality, honesty,, knowledge and uderstanding, the Canadian people’s. A small beginning example is all,, politicians, government servents, doctors, police, firemen etc..the mayor’s, the premiers, and ministers with the prime minister. To simultaneously learn and transform into teachers, and professors. And adopt a good teachers personality , habits and character traits. And constantly simultaneously teach all Canadian people’s life’s lessons, and the current issues, problem solving , circumstance handleings , a highly educated way and view, and a practical problem solving mentality. Looking for educated solutions instead of constantly complaining and dwelling on the problems. Teachers of practicality to be. Whith and intentions of true, genuine , forefathers or foremothers of our country. Regardless of rank or position or status. And exterminating the pridefull headseat mentality and attitude from the Canadian Spirit. And exterminating the head seat mentality from the teachers mentalities and positions aswell. Teaching the Canadian people to be and live independently, and most importantly how to think for themselves, especially Canadian woman. The Canadian government , and parliament has never yet officially declared woman independent from slavery (men). With a woman’s national (holiday) – holyday of Independence from Slavery to Men day, made official by parliament, and a government national holiday. Which also by default requires us to refuneralize, bless and consecrate and memorialize all woman’s graves chronilogicaly for slavery desicration. Woman had no freedom of thought, other freedoms , or freedom of choices, etc..but their choices were very minimum, and suffered dehuminization symptoms. This is pending soon. The Canadian government to fulfill one thousand years of community service , ordered by a higher court juristion. And only after a thousand years of performing community service ordered by higher courts. Then only would have the Canadian government learned what true, genuine remorse is. And what it takes to learn practical remorse. A thousand years of practising remorsefull actions, will program royal nobility into the hearts and souls of all Canadian people. And Canadians will always be , and be known to be most noble , only and only most naturally will a Canadian be noble. Wishing and praying for this I will……………….. And the Holy seal of the Holy Communion loaf in the Holy Orthodox Church, may change to The Holy Trinity wins, from Jesus Christ wins. Only the Holy Trinity wins, trampled and tramples satan. The Holy Trinity is inseparable. The Father and Holy Spirit were crucified in Spirit , along with Jesus Christ , at the crusifiction of the Holy Trinity. Three candles to be placed on all church crosses at all times. Jesus Christ IS always risen!! Truly indeed Jesus IS risen. Holy Communion is only, and only, in the Name of the Holy Father, Jesus Christ , and the Holy Spirit the Lord. The Holy Trinity wins. Aaaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the word of the Righteous Spirit. The Canadian government would have to and should be sentenced by a higher court juristion to fulfill one thousand years community service. With intense and much more rigouras actions of community services, to help, serve, and highly educate in nobilty first, and then , practicality, honesty,, knowledge and uderstanding, the Canadian people’s. A small beginning example is all,, politicians, government servents, doctors, police, firemen etc..the mayor’s, the premiers, and ministers with the prime minister. To simultaneously learn and transform into teachers, and professors. And adopt a good teachers personality , habits and character traits. And constantly simultaneously teach all Canadian people’s life’s lessons, and the current issues, problem solving , circumstance handleings , a highly educated way and view, and a practical problem solving mentality. Looking for educated solutions instead of constantly complaining and dwelling on the problems. Teachers of practicality to be. Whith and intentions of true, genuine , forefathers or foremothers of our country. Regardless of rank or position or status. And exterminating the pridefull headseat mentality and attitude from the Canadian Spirit. And exterminating the head seat mentality from the teachers mentalities and positions aswell. Teaching the Canadian people to be and live independently, and most importantly how to how to think for themselves, especially Canadian woman. The Canadian government , and parliament has never yet officially declared woman independent from slavery (men). With a woman’s national (holiday) – holyday of Independence from Slavery to Men day, made official by parliament, and a government national holiday. Which also by default requires us to refuneralize, bless and consecrate and memorialize all woman’s graves chronilogicaly for slavery desicration. Woman had no freedom of thought, other freedoms , or freedom of choices, etc..but their choices were very minimum, and suffered dehuminization symptoms. This is pending soon. The Canadian government to fulfill one thousand years of community service , ordered by a higher court juristion. And only after a thousand years of performing community service ordered by higher courts. Then only would have the Canadian government learned what true, genuine remorse is. And what it takes to learn practical remorse. A thousand years of practising remorsefull actions, will program royal nobility into the hearts and souls of all Canadian people. And Canadians will always be , and be known to be most noble , only and only most naturally will a Canadian be noble. Wishing and praying for this I will……………….. And the Holy seal of the Holy Communion loaf in the Holy Orthodox Church, may change to The Holy Trinity wins, from Jesus Christ wins. Only the Holy Trinity wins, trampled and tramples satan. The Holy Trinity is inseparable. The Father and Holy Spirit were crucified in Spirit , along with Jesus Christ , at the crusifiction of the Holy Trinity. Three candles to be placed on all church crosses at all times. Jesus Christ IS always risen!! Truly indeed Jesus IS risen. Holy Communion is only, and only, in the Name of the Holy Father, Jesus Christ , and the Holy Spirit the Lord. The Holy Trinity wins. Aaaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is Holy Trinity , and not Holy, Holy, Holy, Trinity. The Name of the Lord is, Holy Trinity. The Name of the Lord is not, Holy, Holy, Trinity. The Triune Lord is Holy. And not the thrice Holy Lord. For it is , Holy is the Lord, and not Holy’s is the Lord. It is Holy Triune Spirit, and not Holy’s Triune Spirit. For the Holy Trinity is our Father. And the Holy Trinity is not our Father’s, but is our Holy Triune Father, Lord and King. It is not , Holy, Holy, Holy, Trinity. It is , Holy Trinity.
St. Patrick’s icon with the three leaf clover to guide us once again.
Holy Father Patrick of Ireland, please hear me with the permission of the Lord, and pray to the Lord on our behalf that he may enlighten us once again, after we have màde proper amends. And learned to live and breath remorse, and finally chosen the righteous way of life.
It is Holy Trinity , and not Holy, Holy, Holy , Trinity.
It is not Holy’s is the Lord, Holy’s are the Lord, and it is not Holy, Holy , Holy , is the Lord. It is Holy is the Lord. It is Holy Is the Triune Lord. It is not Holy is the Holy Triune Lord. It is The Triune Lord is Holy. It is Holy Trinity. And not Holy, Holy, Holy, Trinity.