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Hot Port News from GAC

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Delaware Bay, United States
New England, USA
Boston, USA
Ice Condition Alert – update
Thursday, January 4, 2018, Delaware Bay, United States
Further to yesterday’s notification, the Captain of the Port, Delaware Bay has updated the information as follows:

Ice Condition 3 has been set for Delaware Bay and River, the C&D Canal, Cape May Harbour and Canal, and the Intracoastal Waterway. This means that weather conditions are favourable for the formation of ice in navigable waters, but navigation is not impacted by ice.

All masters, ship agents, owners, operators of all vessels, marine facilities, and marinas should review and adhere to the following procedures for the Delaware River and C&D Canal:

  • When ice is present, but less than 2 inches, vessels must have a propulsion system with adequate horsepower, and be able to manoeuvre unassisted through the ice without needing to stop, back off and ram the ice
  • Vessel moorings should be checked frequently to ensure the vessel is adequately moored
  • Vessels at anchor should maintain their engines on standby at all times
  • Vessel sea chests should be checked regularly for ice buildup and precautions should be taken to ensure that the sea chests are kept clear
  • Vessels at anchor should ensure that proper bridge watches are stood at all times
  • The Captain of the Port, Delaware Bay may establish additional requirements for specific geographic areas of the COTP Zone if conditions warrant such restrictions
  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has imposed steel hull restrictions on the C&D Canal
  • Only vessels with steel hulls may operate north of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge on the Delaware River.O

For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at usa@gac.com

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Delaware Bay, Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) No. 02-18 dated 2 January 2018

Severe Storm Alert
Thursday, January 4, 2018, New England, USA
The U.S. Coast Guard Sector Northern New England is tracking a significant storm that is set to impact the region from today until Saturday.

Ports in the Northern New England Captain of the Port Zone remain open to all traffic, however, the Coast Guard is strongly recommending the following precautions in advance of the storm:

  • Pleasure craft and fishing vessels are advised to seek safe refuge
  • Ferry operators should evaluate their ability to operate in the pending conditions and take all necessary actions to ensure the safety of the passengers and crew
  • Anticipate that drawbridge operations may be restricted due to high winds and safety concerns
  • All self-propelled oceangoing vessels over 5000 gross tons and all barges and their supporting tugs should consider the requirements included in the Remaining in Port Checklist. While this checklist is primarily used for an approaching hurricane, it can prove useful for any heavy weather event
  • Facility managers should review communications procedures, operations manuals and/or heavy weather plans, and consider lowering the height of container stacks
  • Adjust transfer operations as necessary based on the environmental conditions

All vessels, facilities, and maritime stakeholders should continue to monitor the weather forecasts for changing conditions. Coast Guard personnel may be reaching out directly to facility and vessel representatives to determine the intent of vessel movements and cargo operations over the next 24-48 hours. Following the passage of the storm, vessels and facilities should conduct damage assessments and report any damage to the COTP. In the event of significant damage, facilities may be prevented from receiving cargo or passengers until approved by the COTP.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com.

Severe Storm Alert
Thursday, January 4, 2018, Boston, USA
Severe weather conditions forecast to impact the area over the next 48 hours could adversely impact the regional Maritime Transportation System. The National Weather Service has issued a strong coastal winter storm warning with high winds and dangerously cold temperatures for the New England Coast from Thursday morning through Fridayafternoon. Current coastal predictions are estimating sustained NNW winds 25 to 30 kts, with gusts of up to 50 kts, along with bitterly cold temperatures throughout the weekend.

Thursday’s midday tide is an astronomical high tide. Combined with the 1.5 to 2 feet of storm surge forecast, this tide could result in minor to moderate coastal flooding.

Coast Guard Sector Boston is advising actions to exercise when this severe winter weather impacts the region. Maritime stakeholders should review continuity of operations and communication procedures, as well as methods of minimising storm damage and environmental risk, such as doubling up mooring lines, securing transfers, ballasting down storage tanks and draining transfer lines.

All ports under the authority of the Captain of the Port Boston will remain open to marine traffic.

Mariners are strongly advised to closely monitor NOAA weather and local radio broadcasts for updated information.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com.

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