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Home Ports & TerminalsAutomobiles Automotive Maintenance and Repair Expo (AMR) 2018 unleashes tremendous potential in China’s automotive aftermarke

Automotive Maintenance and Repair Expo (AMR) 2018 unleashes tremendous potential in China’s automotive aftermarke

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AMR 2018 will be held from 1 – 4 April 2018 at the New China International Exhibition Centre (NCIEC) in Beijing

Extensive supply chain coverage in product zones

Fringe programme facilitates industry dialogue for cross-sector cooperation and integration

The newly formed joint venture company Messe Frankfurt Traders-Link (Beijing) Co Ltd is set to present the revamped Automotive Maintenance and Repair Expo (AMR) with an improved product range to better serve China’s dynamic automotive aftermarket. As one of Asia’s largest repair and maintenance industry events, AMR 2018 will attract 1,200 exhibitors and approximately 60,000 trade visits are expected to explore the unwavering business opportunities and developments in 110,000 sqm of trade space. The show is co-organised by the China Automotive Maintenance Equipment Industry Association (CAMEIA) and the China Automotive Maintenance and Repair Association (CAMRA), and will be held from 1 – 4 April 2018 at the New China International Exhibition Centre (NCIEC) in Beijing.

While the evolving aftermarket sector has experienced surging demand for diversified and innovative products, the production, distribution, end-use and service sectors in the auto supply chain have also been transforming to adapt to these changes. Tapping into this challenging business has become a clear objective for more than a thousand of AMR’s participating repair and maintenance equipment, tools and consumable suppliers. This influential industry platform has attracted key international and domestic companies, including Anche, Autel, Axalta, Beissbarth, Bright, Car-o-liner, Celette, Corghi, Festool, Fly-eagle, Gaochang, Hunter, Kapci, Launch, Maha, Mirka, Nanhua, Panda, Piusi, Rav, Rupes, Sata, Sata tools, Snap-on, Tiptop and Tech, each of which will be looking to maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic market.

Extensive supply chain coverage in product zones

This year’s AMR has added a brand new Car Care and Spare Parts Hall, to better serve distributors and the end-users such as workshops, 4S shops, trading companies, chain stores, car care shops, tyre shops and car washes. The specialised hall can help participating suppliers of repair equipment and tools, car care and spare parts such as APG, Biaobang, BPI, Juxuan, Leoch, Luoshi, Sensen, Sontian, Sorl and Wepp to build up their brands and create stronger connections with end-users.

The hall will join the show’s existing areas dedicated to tools & tyre equipment and consumables, cleaning, car care, refinishing, collision repair, garage, chain store, testing & diagnostics, brand equipment and an international zone. The expanded offerings at the show will better reflect the most current industry trends and address multiple sourcing needs of all sorts of buyers.

In addition, the show’s organisers have also put more efforts in visitor recruitment, allowing exhibitors to link up with a wider range of buyers. So far, more than a thousand overseas visitors have registered for the show, with over half of them being new attendees. Meanwhile in China, the organisers have worked closely with key trade associations in Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Hunan, Tianjin and Guangdong Province to organise key buyer delegation visits at the show.

Fringe programme facilitates industry dialogue for cross-sector cooperation and integration

A series of fringe events will be held in conjunction with the show to assist fairgoers in learning and better understanding the multiple evolving industry trends, including the changes in distributors’ product ranges, cross-sector supplier integration, and the customisation of service sector products.

One of the most anticipated highlights is “Huanyue 5S Night” –The AMR 2018 Automotive Aftermarket Awards Ceremony for China’s Top Repair Chain Store Brands, Top 20 Manufacturers of Exported Auto Maintenance and Repair Products, Top 20 Exported Products, Top 20 Distributors, and AMR 2018 Recommended Products. This industry gathering will be attended by around 2,000 international and local suppliers, dealers, end-users and chain stores. During the event, several awards hosted by CAMEIA and CAMRA will be presented, to recognise and encourage new product innovation and developments across the industry.

Other activities to be held include:

“WEPP China” New Trends in the Automotive Services Industry 2018
31 March pm, CITIC Hotel Beijing Airport
Successful case studies of entrepreneurs adapting to the changing market and finding new business opportunities

“Huanyue 5S” The China Collision Industry Summit (CCIS)
1 April am, Conference room W201, NCIEC
An introduction to the new policies of insurance companies and environmentally-friendly car painting technologies

The Summit for Automotive SME Financial Solutions
1 April am, Conference room W105, NCIEC
A complete financial solution for auto parts dealers

“Huanyue 5S” Aftermarket Empowerment: Summit for Internet+, Technology and Finance
2 April am, Conference room W201, NCIEC
The core application of block chains in the automotive aftermarket

Auto Care Summit 2018
2 April am, Conference room W105, NCIEC
A demo area with products and technologies that solve the current industry challenges

The China’s Automotive Service Industry Summit – Technology Innovation and Business Module Upgrade, and The China Auto Parts Dealer Grand Alliance Inauguration Conference
2 April, Hot Spring Leisure City
Mapping out revolutionary business models for the automotive service industry

The 3rd Edition of the National Finals of Automotive Mechanics
2 April, Activity area in Halle E4, NCIEC
Mechanics will demonstrate their outstanding abilities in maintenance inspection

The 2018 China Automotive Aftermarket Operational Strategies Forum (Beijing)
3 April am, Conference room W105, NCIEC
The benefits of digital business models to increase competitiveness

“Huanyue 5S” The Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Summit
3 April, Conference room W201, NCIEC
Revealing the latest equipment to build new inspection and maintenance stations

The 2nd JD.com x AMR China Auto Maintenance Products Mall (Spring edition)
1 – 4 April, E4A01, NCIEC
A joint-cooperation with online shop JD.com. Attendees can make orders online and pick up the products from the exhibitors in the mall.

Automotive Maintenance & Repair Expo 2018 (AMR 2018) will be held from 1 – 4 April at the New China International Exhibition Centre (NCIEC). For more information, please visit www.amr-china.cn or e-mail sara.qin@china.messefrankfurt.com.


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