The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) earlier on today lost 24 points and things, as we have predicted, might lead – hopefully NOT, to a point of no return. World Peace is at stake. John Faraclas’ daily recap:
Today’s Market fall for both Dry and Wet was, like yesterday, for all indices and suggests ultra-caution! All indices are in the red!
The Capers lost another 32 points and the BCI now reads 809 points… Now you can see why some prudent owners managed a month ago to fix immediately their tonnage on period… and then we witnessed the same group to fix a week or so after for less…
The Panamaxes’ BPI lost 54 points and now stands at 1,343; another “size”, although our favourite one which is in danger given also the post-panamax vessels…
The Supras which “entertained” us with a two month rise and kept owners happy, lost 14 points with the BSI now at 1,042 points…
The Handies too fell but with minor losses; the BHSI lost four points and now at 644 still “feels safe”! The loss between today and Dec 20113 has again widened to 1,294 (2,247-953) points!
Losses for the Wets despite the expectations; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) now stand at 648 – minus three and 520 – minus 23(!) points respectively.
The WTI as these lines are being written stands at US$ 63.30 with tendencies for a few losses… Once again we reiterate the view that the WTI shouldn’t exceed the US$49.99 mark as the masses all over the world might create havoc… Greediness has a name here. Imagine the Q1-Q2 WTI price of 2008!!!! Wasn’t US$ 147???
The Trade Wars continue with more tariffs by president Trump against China; the escalation will continue… Neither president Trump nor his Chinese counterpart are willing to give in as they will lose face and this will be detrimental as will affect trade, basically for a while the box trade with containerships no matter where they belong to face major losses! Add this to the coming war on currency parity and see what you get… Again we stick to our position that we are at War, the Third World War in on! It is not to do with political ideology; its pure business! It is the BIW=Business Ideological War!
On the actual Geopolitical front, same coupled with the already enfolding BIW, things are getting sour for all; you don’t know your friends, allies or even enemies…
The MIGRANTS maintain the top position with respect importance and projection of how they affect Global Politics.
The Wars in Syria and Iraq continue with the inclusion of Turkey in extended hostilities; expect the worse to come out as we are already in a general conflagration state of affairs involving the Middle East and its periphery – actually 1,000km around including Turkey and the Balkans. Add the long-standing Middle East stand-off between the Israelis, Palestinians, ISIS, Hamas and all that jazz – Iran, the Kurdish issue and of course the Arabian Peninsula mess. Did I here you say Northern Africa? Cyprus? The Russian factor which is more worrying and waring after the fall of the entire Iron Curtain… Remind you that we have always maintained and focus on the danger zone from Gibraltar to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa – do please read previous reporting as well as the importance of safeguarding Planet Ocean’s dire straits… Aden, Bosporus, Dardanelles, Gibraltar, Hormuz, Kiel, Malacca, Otranto, Suez… Religion and ways of life also influence these situations…
Turkey and its leader Erdogan must come down to his senses before he and the Turkish people come down to their/his knees! Either they come to terms and become good neighbours for all in the region or they will have to face the fate of the Persians who left just over 2,500 years ago and the Aegean become peaceful again and more importantly today’s Western World, thanks to the Greeks, is free; end of the story (we have also mentioned this before on many occasions to wake you all up).
Greece as have said in previous reporting MUST change – particularly within!!! Remind you that the current politicians, their cronies et al, must be aware of the “maxim”: ‘when the shit hits the fan’ and act accordingly. Enough!
The Balkans too must become a peaceful region… Albania and fYroM… must understand NOT overstay their welcome in Europe and NATO – both candidates in these blocks…
BREXIT continues but same is a bit on the side-lines…
The UK – Russian saga with the Skripal affair continues and don’t be surprised if you see mess! Truth hurts and believe it or not we are in a state worse than the Cold War…
That’s all for now and we are also bringing you herebelow, in Greek though, an extra live coverage from SBC TV This Morning programme with Sophia Rodopoulou and her day’s guests and events, including at the end a twenty-minute shipping affairs interviewing and analysis:
Have a nice evening and continue to be on guard from actions emanating from Pirates and Terrorists wherever you are on Planet Ocean…
1 comment
John. The comparison between now and 2013 may help some people realize that we are far from the highs in freight rates when the values were same as today. Something that has to be analytically examined as a thesis. Is it a hype that the S&P analysts created? Was it the need to have new orders in newer ships? Anyway keep up the good work.