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WISTA International Welcomes WISTA Panama

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WISTA International president Despina Panayiotou Theodossiou


Panama joins global network of executive women in shipping
The Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) International has reactivated WISTA Panama as a National WISTA Association (NWA). WISTA Panama joins 44 other NWAs and brings an important maritime center back to the global WISTA network.
“We are very proud of the dedication of the members of WISTA Panama to reactivate Panama as a National WISTA Association,” said WISTA International President Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou. “Panama plays an important and significant role in the global maritime community and we look forward to expanding professional development and business opportunities for Panamanian women in shipping and trading.”
“Panama is a well-recognized maritime and logistic center. Through the Panama Canal, an average of 44 ships transit same per day, with cargoes and all types of vessels that calls Panama ports,” said WISTA Panama President Verónica Valenzuela. “Women in the maritime sector are increasing in head count and managerial positions. Being a member of  WISTA Panama results in an international network with exchange of knowledge and experience.”

WISTA Panama President Verónica Valenzuela,

WISTA Panama was re-established by WISTA Panama President Verónica Valenzuela, General Manager and Legal Representative, Glencore Ltd.; WISTA Panama Secretary Patricia Velásquez, Commercial Director and Deputy Registrar of Ships, Macosnar Corporation; WISTA Panama Subsecretary Gianela Rivas, Partner, Moscoso & Partners; WISTA Panama Treasurer Laura Durán, Commercial Manager, Canal Movers & Logistics Corp.; WISTA Panama Subtreasurer Elvia Bustavino, Attorney Deputy Registrar of Ships IMMARBE, TORRIJOS & ASOCIADOS (Panama), WISTA Panama Board Member Gabriela Araya, Director, SETIMSA; and WISTA Panama Director Mireya De Troitiño.

Additional members reactivating WISTA Panama include: Yira Poyser, CFO, Bless Group; Tanya Carlucci, Coordinator, Galindo, Arias & Lopez; Franchesca Carrington, Senior Deputy Manager CSD, Cosco Shipping Lines (Central America) Incorporation; Aris Sugaste, CEO, Medi Chest Panama; Astrid Moreno, Sales Manager, World Clean International.
WISTA has welcomed several new National WISTA Associations in Latin America this year. In addition to WISTA Panama, WISTA Peru, WISTA Venezuela, and WISTA Uruguay joined WISTA Argentina and WISTA Brazil in the region this year. WISTA International also welcomed WISTA Japan in 2018.
WISTA International is an international networking organization for female executives in the shipping industry. WISTA International is comprised of 44 National WISTA Associations (NWA) around the world and nearly 3,000 members. National WISTA Associations are formed in individual countries in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country. To launch a National WISTA Association, the association must file appropriate paperwork in the home country, have at least ten members in management positions and pay annual fees to WISTA International. WISTA Panama was previously deactivated due to a decrease in membership. The 2018 WISTA Annual General Meeting and International Conference will be hosted by WISTA Norway in October 2018. Regional conferences are held throughout the year.
For more information about WISTA International, please visit www.wista.net.

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