Commentary: US midterms fulfil market expectations
By Elliot Hentov in London
The results of the 6 November US midterm elections illustrate how President Donald Trump remains bound to historical norms around US voter preferences for shared power. That is the central insight from this result: the loss of total Republican control of Congress should somewhat constrain Trump’s potential for erratic behaviour. The initial market reaction has been positive, as the outcome fulfilled expectations. While the chance of gridlock in Congress is higher, the result also reduces the probability of negative policy surprises.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Meeting: Mark Sobel on the effects of the midterm elections on US economic policy
Tuesday 20 November, New York, 08:00 EST
A discussion with Mark Sobel, US chairman of OMFIF, former deputy assistant secretary for International Monetary and Financial Policy at the US Treasury, and until early 2018 US representative at the International Monetary Fund. The discussion will focus on how the results of the US midterm elections will impact the administration’s economic strategy, including fiscal policy, trade, infrastructure and relations with China.
Request to attend the meeting.