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Home MarketsChartering We can only deduce that the BCI and by default the BDI is totally disingenuous….

We can only deduce that the BCI and by default the BDI is totally disingenuous….

by admin

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) skyrocketed at 1,217 – a 124 points plus due to the Capes’ take-off. Geopolitics as we have warned you in writing – as always are at the worse ever point with dangerous development expected to take place soon. It was a very difficult but equally interesting weekend. John Faraclas daily

market and Geopolitics briefing:

The Capes’ BCI gained not just a triple-digit, but what a rise that was; still unbelievable: 431 points and now stands at 1,789 hence the disingenuous in our title today. Dangerous situation with odd spikes…

Good news for the Panamaxes’ BPI now at 1,389  points – up 13, hopefully 13 for luck!

The Supras and the Handies, as expected, continued their minimal fall – a fall in any case which cannot be ignored. The BSI was down five points and now reads 947 and the BHSI was down two points at 633

A rise for the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BDTI (Cleans) stood at 1,130  – plus four  and 660 – plus six points respectively.

The WTI was up sending a bit of frantic message; at US$ 51.63… Let’s see how it gets as this week is crucial.

Geopolitics as predicted turns the World once again upside down with incalculable repercussions for all. There won’t be a winner in the coming clash…

The MIGRANTS continue to be on top of all other news and issues put together. Developments at the other side of the Atlantic and particularly at the USA- Mexico border become a major issue…

The Middle East might flare up in many fronts and in general the faulty line between Gibraltar to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa might soon be on flames…

The explosive situation and not just a tension between Russia and Ukraine might spill the mess around… Watch it.

Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, the Balkans – in particular, East Med might see also explosive developments…

BREXIT has been approved just like that from all 27 remaining states in Europe, lets see what happens in the Parliament…

Italy will play it low and win; remember this!

The EU is already in tatters due to extreme unsustainable financial situations which coupled with a bankrupt Planet Ocean might produce deadly tsunamis…

The USA and China once again at loggerheads… Japan is closely watching the situation… Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital is he host of this first G20 summit to be hosted in South America. Expect developments  and let’s see what happens with the Tariffs… Let’s see how the meeting addresses the poor countries’ future and remedies to save the day, but I doubt it if they can do anything.

On another tone and note the Oinoussian Ball was more than touching and special. Congrats to all those involved in producing such an event!

Have a nice evening and remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists and any Criminal whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.

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